Next Steps


Alpha started in January with 9 guests. Plus our leader (Nicole) and table host (Roy). This semester was still under COVID restrictions, so the group was at maximum capacity for the size of room being used. We saw a mix of ages including college students, a mom and her teen daughter, and an unchurched neighbour who was invited by someone from the church, said no, and then surprisingly showed up! In March we had 3 guests testify to their faith in Christ by being baptized!

In September we had 7 guests register. Plus our leader (Nicole), table hosts (Rob, Roy), and helpers (Janice, Melissa). Thankfully there were no restrictions, so we were blessed with food made by Karen and set out on Sundays by the members of our Kitchen Team (Carrie, Janice and Grace).

Thank you for your continued prayers for the Alpha Course! It’s a tried, tested and true way of encouraging anyone in the Christian faith, whether or not they are Christians! We also encourage you to pray and consider inviting someone in your circle of relationships to join us for Alpha this fall, as it includes breakfast snacks, coffee and a powerful video talk that you will find enriching and helpful to your own walk with God.


This year we celebrated 15 baptisms! Seven individuals took the plunge in March (five in service, two on Sunday afternoon). Three youth were baptized out at Elkwater. In June we witnessed a powerful baptism and testimony to God’s amazing grace, in the midst of suffering and depression, and a reminder that God uses ordinary people to lay hands on the sick and do extraordinary miracles in the powerful name of Jesus! In October we again celebrated three baptisms during our Thanksgiving service. Then in November, I was honoured to baptize a university athlete, at the home of one our church families, in their hot tub! God is good, and the church continues to grow!


We welcomed 8 new members since our last AGM. Grateful to God for each one!

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