Why Life Groups?
Life was never meant to be walked alone. Jesus and the early church modelled this for us. As we search the Scriptures, we discover that God’s people not only gathered together regularly in large groups, but in smaller ones as well. To pray, to eat together, to study and discuss the apostles’ teaching, and to encourage one another as they continued reaching out to others.
Here at Hillcrest we have groups that meet in the facility as well as in homes and other venues. Each one is unique, yet all are focused on the ABCs of following Jesus:
A relationship with God.
Bible-based fellowship.
Community that cares.
“They were unified as they worshiped at the temple day after day. In homes, they broke bread and shared meals with glad and generous hearts.”
What do groups do?
Many use material from RightNow Media, or those found in our Church Resource Room, or the Digging Deeper notes we provide on Sundays. We encourage all groups to study the Bible, to pray together, to have fun and to find practical ways of stepping out and serving their church and community.
WHen do They meet?
Groups meet on different days and times throughout the week. Some meet weekly, while some meet every other week and a few meet monthly.
What About Summer?
Most groups will take a break during the summer, while some might get together once or twice. A few groups may decide to run throughout the year.
What About Children?
Some groups include families with children. Some choose to include their kids in all group activities. Some arrange for children’s activities during the study time. Some might split the cost for a sitter.
Where Do I Begin?
Some groups are able to welcome newcomers, but more often than not, the best option is to start a group with the individuals and families you connect with. Our Community Life Pastor is here to help you in this process and to provide you with resources that will enable your group to grow in a healthy, Christ-centred way.
Why We Do What We Do
The One who created you
and calls you by name.
John 3:16
Becoming more like Jesus in my attitude, behaviour and character.
2 Timothy 3:16
Stepping out and serving others
with the love of Christ.
1 John 3:16
Jamie Mcdonald
Reach out to Jamie for more info, or to get involved.