First Service
The original “Hillcrest” at 20 3rd Street SE.
Services began in the fall of 1947.
In the fall of 1947, Regina Bible Institute moved its headquarters to Medicine Hat under the leadership of its President, Rev. Floyd S. Magsig. Having purchased the old fire hall at the top of the hill on the northeast corner of Division Avenue and 3rd Street SE, the school changed its name to Hillcrest Bible Institute.
The dining room was repurposed as a chapel where Sunday School and Sunday Services were held for students, and soon others from the community began attending as it was the only E.U.B. ministry in the area conducting their services in English, instead of German. In 1949, Hillcrest Evangelical United Brethren Church was officially organized with twenty-one charter members, with Rev. Henry W. Riegel serving in a dual capacity as Pastor of the congregation and an Instructor at Hillcrest Bible Institute.
Next Steps
Second building at 901 3rd Avenue SW.
Dedicated on May 26th, 1957.
In the summer of 1952 lots were purchased on the corner of 3rd Avenue and 9th Street SW, and by 1955 building plans were accepted and construction began. On May 26th, 1957 the new church building was dedicated to the glory of God. And by 1961 the church had grown to such an extent that an educational wing was added. Then, on June 7th, 1970 the Northwest Conference of E.U.B. Churches transferred affiliation with the United Methodist Church (USA) to become the newly formed Evangelical Church in Canada, and the church’s name was changed to Hillcrest Evangelical Church.
New Beginnings
Third building at 3785 13th Avenue SE.
Dedicated on November 29th, 1987.
By the early 1980s it became evident that the facility was not able to handle the numbers of people attending. Thus, in the fall of 1982 a 34-acre parcel of land was purchased at 3785 13th Avenue SE. On November 29th, 1987 the first service was held in the new facility, with 760 in attendance for this time of praise and celebration. In 1992 Hillcrest Christian College merged with Mountainview Bible College and moved from Medicine Hat to Calgary to become Rocky Mountain College. On August 8th, 1993 a historic service was held in Calgary as the Missionary Church of Canada merged with the Evangelical Church in Canada. Once again the church’s name was changed to Hillcrest Evangelical Missionary Church.
Expansions Completed
As the church grew, the building grew.
Major building projects completed in 2007.
Continued growth and a request from Student Ministries to expand the facilities led to a number of building projects. The Kitchen and Room 8 (now our Youth Room) just off of the Gym (1995); a gym stage (1999); and the Family Ministries wing (2000) which was left partly unfinished until the fall of 2007 when the mezzanine floor was completed.
the story continues!
Making disciples of Jesus Christ and giving everyone in our area opportunity to have a personal relationship with Him.
The church’s birthday on Pentecost Sunday, 2017. The first time all 232 lights in our 2 year-old Jesus wall were filled, each light added by someone God has saved, healed or transformed in some way.
Hillcrest’s story is His Story. We invite you to join us in what God is doing through this local church family, following Jesus together and ministering God’s love to a hurting world.