our heart is to see young adults grow closer to god, as we grow closer together in community.
We are made for relationship. We aren’t meant to do life alone. Iron sharpens iron.
When we give God our attention and affection our perspective shifts. The truth is highlighted and the lies fade away.
God is alive and moving. He is always speaking. When we hear the life stories from others, we are reminded of this.
TO stay up to date with events
Follow us on social media
Bible Study
7pm Monday nights at the church (Sep - Apr). Currently led by Pastor Steve. See socials for more details.
YXH Young Adults
Last Monday of September, November, January and March at 7pm. A city-wide young adults movement of worship, teaching and community. Location rotates. See socials for more details.
Hangout Nights
Building community and relationships. We’ll do things like games night, fires, bowling and mini golf. We also have random fun nights through the summer. Often on Mondays at 7pm, but see socials for more details.
We believe that God is raising up young adult leaders in the church.