8:40 AM08:40

All Nations Sunday

Come and celebrate all the nations Jesus has brought together to build our church family. Plan to stick around after the service to enjoy finger foods from around the world. Wear clothes from your home country to represent where you are from - and be sure to click on the link below and tell us what your country of origin is! We would also love it if you would wear clothes from your homeland! There will be a photo booth to capture all of the fun.

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6:30 PM18:30

Hillcrest Adults - GYM & Games Night

Adults of all ages are all welcome to Gym & Games Night on Saturday, March 8th.
No need to cook supper because we are bringing in Chinese Food! Start time is 6:30 and after something to eat - we’ll have the Gym set up for those who want to play (or learn to play) Pickleball, there will also be board/card games in the Youth Room. Call your friends to join you or come and make some new ones!

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10:30 AM10:30

Pajama Jam for Kids

March the 9th is our Spring Ahead Time change Sunday -but don’t worry parents, we’ve got your back!
While it might take some effort to get the kids up in the morning - they can skip the church clothes and breakfast because we will serve them breakfast here at church in their pajamas!

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to Mar 15

Creative Weekend

  • Google Calendar ICS

Do you ever wish you could just get away for a couple days and focus on a creative project, or brush up on the skills we’ve been learning through our Creative Workshop mornings?
Here is your opportunity! Bring your own project - we will provide the space, your meals, and a fun atmosphere. $30 registration reserves your table for Friday and Saturday. There will also be a make and take table and goodie bags for each registrant!

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to Mar 16

Youth Spring Retreat

Our Youth Spring Retreat at Whispering Pines Camp is coming up! Students in Grades 7 to 12 are invited to register for this purposeful time of encountering God in a beautiful setting. We’ll be leaving the church at 6 pm on Friday and back by 3 pm on Sunday. Deadline to register is Tuesday, March 11th.

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2:00 PM14:00

Young at Heart

Becky Rempel will be our Guest Speaker at Young at Heart on March 20th.
Becky hiked 2,650 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico’s border to British Columbia!
Her story includes snakes, bears, forest fires, snow and ice - all while carrying her 50 pound backpack and travelling alone. Come and be inspired by her bravery, preparation, adventure and faith - bring a friend! You do not need to be a resident at Chinook Village to attend.

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8:40 AM08:40


Are you ready to take the next step in your faith?
Baptism is the outward sign of an inward change. It is a public testimony that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and that it is your desire to follow Him.
Baptism is one of the most important practices in the church because it reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection, as well as our relationship to God and one another through the Holy Spirit.

If you would like to know more about getting baptized on March 23rd, contact Pastor Jamie.

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11:20 AM11:20

King's Kids Spring Sing

If your kids are in Grades 1-6 and love to sing, they are welcome to participate in King’s Kids and they can invite a friend too! Under the direction of Sheila Reinheller the kids will meet and rehearse each Sunday from April 6 - May 11th during the 11:20am service. Come to the Kids Check-In Kiosk to get started!

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7:00 PM19:00

Estate & Executor Essentials Seminar

Do you have peace of mind about your Estate?

Steve LaRochelle of Scotia Wealth Management will be with us on April 10th at 6pm. All are welcome to attend this Free seminar on Estate and Executor Essentials. Please Register so we can be prepared with materials.

Steve and his team have your best interests in mind as he shares tips for caring and preparing for your financial needs. The evening will primarily cover the responsibilities of Executors, and touch on Power of Attorney Duties, and Will Planning.

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6:00 PM18:00

Gather 25

Gather25 is an unprecedented 25-hour global broadcast event telling the inspiring stories of the global Church, by the global Church. But it won’t be a gathering of the global Church without you.

For 25 hours, Gather25 is inviting believers across the world to pray, repent, worship, and discover how the love of Jesus is transforming the world through everyday people.

Join us at 6pm in the Worship Centre for the opening 4 hours of this Simulcast beginning in Texas. You can also sign up to be part of the entire experience and watch at home or with your friends as the global church gathers.

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