We want to say Thank You to God for all He has done for us in 2024! We will be holding a special offering during our Christmas Eve Services, but you can click on the envelope to send in your Thank Offering at any time.

Jesus was the most generous person who ever lived. He gave His life so that we might live. As Christians, we give our time, talent, and finances joyfully in response to Jesus’ generosity, to help more people meet Him.

Giving Options


Online Giving

Secure credit card donations.
Give a single gift or schedule
recurring giving.


Text Giving

Text “Hillcrest & (your gift amount)

i.e. Hillcrest $50

to 73256 (REALM)



Send a gift through your online banking to giving@hillcrestchurch.net

No password needed.


Automatic bank withdrawal

Please fill out this FORM and send it to the church with a VOID cheque.

For changes to your information please email us HERE.


On-site interac

We have two debit machine kiosks located in the church for your convenience.

Mail a gift

3785-13th Ave SE
Medicine Hat, AB
T1B 1J2
Make cheques payable to
Hillcrest Church.

In Person Giving

Cheque or Cash Donations
These may be placed in the boxes at the back of the Worship Centre on Sundays, or dropped off at the Church Office during the week. Please make cheques payable to Hillcrest Church.

Hillcrest Stewardship Policy

Spending of funds is confined to approved programs of Hillcrest Church. Gifts designated toward a board-approved program will be used as designated with the understanding that when any given need has been met, or where projects cannot be reasonably carried out, designated gifts will be used where needed most.

SHaron Lieske


Finance Director

Reach out to Sharon for more info.