Making connections with individuals and families from around the world. People from South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Cambodia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, China, Philippines, Ethiopia, India, the UK and the USA, as well as Langley and Fort St. John, BC and other cities and provinces including our own.
Connecting men on Monday nights. As we slowly came out of restrictions in 2022, we had 28 who were part of this ministry. By the end of 2022, we had 48 with some level of involvement. Not only for Bible study, but gathering around tables of 3-5 for fellowship and learning to apply what was being discovered, and then praying for each other. It’s great seeing men grow together in faith and friendship. Studies have included the Red Sea Miracle, comparing Critical Race Theory with Biblical Christianity, examining core biblical concepts in Bible prophecy, and a chapter-by-chapter exploration through part one of the book of Romans.
Discovering innovative ways to build faith and community that cares. At the start of 2022 we were still coming out health restrictions. One of the blessings throughout this time was having a facility large enough to still gather for Bible teaching, worship and prayer, sometimes in new and innovative ways. One example of this was the online “IF: Gathering” that took place in March. Working with Carrie and Leanne to get the things set up, they took it from there and the result was an uplifting experience for women of all ages who registered for the Saturday event. Gathering with 75,000 ladies from across the world, and who altogether pledged more than $1.5M USD towards Bible translation for an unreached people group! Talk about making an impact for God’s kingdom!
Hosting "Faith Under Fire" with Greg Musselman. We had 50 people out for this March event where Greg shared updates on the Persecuted Church, ending with Q&A and a time of prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Greg is a regular co-host of 100 Huntley Street and for more than two decades has been a voice on radio, television, and now the Internet, for Voice of the Martyrs Canada.
Celebrating moms. This year’s Mother’s Day event included a powerful video testimony. Yusuf shared of his mother’s love, and the impact she has made and continues to make on his life. After each service we celebrated in the Hubs with a delicious assortment of cookies that were specially made for the occasion by Karen and a team of volunteers.
Meeting monthly with marketplace leaders. We concluded our men’s group in June as well as the first season of Faith-Driven Entrepreneur on RightNow Media. Following our wrap-up breakfast we decided to switched gears. Solomon and I felt that that group should cater to both men and women the marketplace. So, in October we did a relaunch, incorporating the 2nd season of FDE. We were pleased to see a fairly even distribution of men and women taking part.
Ministering to marketplace leaders one-on-one. Whether it was offering grief support following the death of an employee, or discerning the Lord’s direction for work and family, or praying into a company decision and how to respond to customers, I had plenty of opportunities to pray with marketplace leaders regarding their situations. And in fact I count it a privilege to pray with, encourage and support our business owners, managers and office professionals, and the call that God has placed on their lives.
Honouring dads. Father’s Day featured a video that demonstrated the power of a dad’s unconditional love and influence. Tracey did so well in her sharing. We continued with celebrating in the Hubs with freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies for all, courtesy of Karen, and with the help of volunteers.
Encouraging Life Group leaders, in person, by phone, online. In June we met via Zoom to share the joys and struggles of keeping relationships intact, and our focus on Christ, in the midst of unprecedented challenges taking place in our world. I am so thankful for our Life Group leaders and how they are helping individuals and families stay connected to Jesus and His mission. Pray for them, and for all our groups, that each one will continue to experience healthy, Spirit-led multiplication and growth, in their relationships with God, each other, and the people He has called them to reach.
Connecting adults through fun and games. Something we were not able to do very well for more than two years! Initially we held a Gym & Games Night in April, which drew out a good cross section of people. Games Nights were then held in September, October and twice in November. As more heard about them, more showed up. Adults of all ages have participated, and we look forward to hosting more events in the new year.
Reaching out through cricket. In May, my new friend Trevis and I began going out Saturday evenings to play cricket, next door to the church in Southlands Park. Most of the players are young to middle-age men from India and Pakistan. It was a novel way to build friendships, but while Trevis excelled at the sport, I most certainly did not! It was a unique opportunity, however, as no official team had yet to be organized. That has definitely changed now, with the growing popularity of the game in our city.
Preaching and teaching. I was given opportunity to deliver messages over the summer and Christmas holidays.
Reaching out through evangelism. In August we held Ignite Conversations Training, a ministry of ShareWord Global (formerly The Gideons International in Canada). The event was open to all churches, and thanks to Dave M. every church in the city was personally invited to take part. This one-day training teaches believers how to naturally have gospel conversations with family and friends in ways that are not awkward. 20 adults and 8 children from 5 different churches took part. Each session included a brief, engaging video followed up with discussion around tables. In the morning, participants we taught how to share their story in one minute. And in the afternoon, we put what we had learned into practice, taking a couple of hours in the parks and downtown area to initiate gospel conversations in groups of two. It was fun, the people we talked with were encouraged, and many gospel seeds were planted.
Reaching out through the Fall Open House. I had the privilege of leading the staff team that organized this Sunday event. Our goal was simple: invite people in the church to invite other people! Come experience Hillcrest, have a little fun, enjoy some great food, and prayerfully, “Taste and see that the LORD is good” (Psalm 34:8, NIV). We had such a great response from our congregation. And many newcomers were made to feel welcome and at home in our services.
Providing mental health support with a Christian emphasis. Over the summer I met with two individuals from Hillcrest: Mark, who works with the Canadian Mental Health Association, and Bev. Both have a passion for helping people find hope in the midst of life’s mental and emotional health challenges. The three of us began brainstorming ideas for hosting recovery courses in the church. In October, "Regulating Our Emotions" was launched, an 8-week course taught by Mark, but also included a Christian emphasis that was led by Bev. The course was well attended! Please pray for our team, and that more mental health courses can be offered in the future.
Providing pizza with a purpose. In October we hosted a men’s pizza event with a very specific purpose. Davar shared his testimony about growing up as a missionary kid in Africa, then later as an adult in Cambodia and Israel, and how God has worked in his life and desires to have a relationship with each one of us. The pizzas were made fresh by Pastor Glenn & Kathy, and we welcomed quite a few Cambodians, most of whom had recently arrived in Canada. For many of them, it was their first encounter with the Gospel.
Reaching out cross-culturally. In November we hosted a lunch for Cambodian families. Unfortunately, several were not able to make it due to sickness and the onslaught of snowy weather. Those who did were treated to a traditional meal prepared by Pastor Glenn & Kathy. We also watched The Jesus Film in their native language of Khmer.
Nurturing Bible study groups and facilitators. These groups meet weekly in our facility, and represent a more practical option for those who are new to the church, or who want to plug right away into community at Hillcrest. That’s because people can simply show up to these groups, and right away begin to build friendships and grow in their walk with God and understanding of the Bible. Even if a person can’t make it every week, it’s totally fine! We typically have groups for men, women and mixed. Feel free to check out our webpage and/or talk with me if you’d like to start a study, or step into one. Groups this year were led by Miles, Carrie, Diane, Solomon, Kathy, Aoi, Marita, Gloria, Donna, Linda, Ron, and Lanny & Candice. Shoutout to these volunteers for all they are doing to make disciples and provided a space where authentic Christian community can flourish.
Approving group studies. Groups in the facility studied a wide range Bible books and topics, including: Lioness Arising, Where Do We Go From Here, The Book of Philippians, Living Beyond Yourself, Jesus in the Old Testament, One At A Time, and A Journey Through Psalm 23. Having access to RightNow Media and a library of more than 20,000 Bible study videos helps! Please talk with me if interested in leading or helping to lead one of our groups.
Helping start new life groups. In our world today there is much that competes for our time and attention. So it is a tremendous privilege to support individuals and families that are seeking to grow deeper in their relationship with God and other believers. One such example is Steve & Carryn, a young couple from South Africa who moved to Canada in the fall with three small children. They reached out and we began to look at options that would fit their family. We set realistic goals and expectations of when and how often their new group should meet, and we prayed for God’s guidance and blessing. As a result, I’m happy to report that they’ve enjoyed a very fruitful first gathering with another couple and a total of six children! We pray they will continue to experience healthy growth. For those wanting to grow deeper with God, there is tremendous value in starting a group. Please feel free to contact me if interested in learning more, or getting the ball rolling.
Working with our Hillcrest Women's volunteers to re-launch large-scale events. Due to COVID restrictions we were not able to host a Spring Brunch in 2022. But by the end of the year all of that was gone, enabling Carrie & Val and 30 other volunteers to make the Christmas Brunch in December a morning to remember!
Serving at the “Christmas Homecoming” Women’s Brunch. All 250 tickets were sold out and featured prayer by Karol, worship led by Traci, Wade, Matt and Sara, testimony by Charlotte, a devotional by Julie of Whispering Pines Camp, and table service by Ivan, Miles and Chuck. Carrie offered the welcome and wrap-up and I did a dramatic reading of the Christmas Story. The event was filled with lots of laughter, fellowship and delicious food. Many of those in attendance had been invited, and the Good News of Christ was communicated in such a warm and heartfelt way. May God grow what has been planted!
Seeing God at work in our “All Nations” community. The Multicultural Fashion Show at the Women’s Brunch was a definite highlight, thanks to the fine and festive contributions of Shelley, Charlotte, Sharon, Aoi, Fredalyn, Leina, Hamama, Stephanie, Nirmal, Nene, La, Komal, Mizuki, Smitika, Melissa, Julianna, Jayoung, Akoi and Duom. Offering a colourful display of culture, language and traditional dress that introduced us to the many nations that today comprise Hillcrest Church. A beautiful reminder that our Heavenly Father is bringing His people together in Medicine Hat, from around the world, “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14, NIV). May we, His followers, honour Him with our lives and allow His Spirit to continue His powerful work within us and through us, for His glory.
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