This was the first year in a few that we did not have a staff member directly and consistently involved in the worship that takes place at Youth Group on Tuesday nights. While this may sound like a negative thing, it was actually an amazing opportunity for more volunteer worship leaders and band members to step up into leadership roles. Between Levi helping with some of the more technical aspects of worship every Tuesday night and myself (Pastor Wade) taking on more of an indirect leadership role we were able to provide the support needed for volunteers to take on the bulk of the worship leadership. I was able to mentor and help through meeting with the worship leaders, taking on the administration of scheduling, and occasionally attending band rehearsals to help, guide, and see how everyone was doing.
We had 2 full teams and an acoustic type team through the year. These teams are made up of youth, youth group leaders, and other young adults from the church. There is some cross-over between Tuesday and Sunday worship band members. Tuesday nights are the perfect opportunity for young adults and youth to learn about the heart behind our musical worship and some of practical skills involved in leading worship. After setting up for rehearsal we often take time to see how everyone is doing and to pray together. We then work through the songs that we will be using that evening, and then of course lead the time of worship including some prayer and speaking.
There are a few more special times of worship through the year. One is when I get a youth band to help me lead worship on a Sunday morning. These are youth and young adults who have really embraced our vision and get a chance to step up. They get a bit of a taste of what it means to lead on a Sunday morning. We also have a baptism night in the worship centre on a Tuesday and those nights are so cool. The team leads worship and then we get to hear testimonies of youth and youth leaders who are committing to live for Jesus the rest of their lives. One other cool opportunity is when the youth goes out to Whispering Pines for a weekend retreat and a band is asked to lead worship for the entire weekend. This is such a great learning experience to be able to lead their peers in worship to God.
We would love to get more young people involved in worship! It is an awesome chance to serve and grow together, to learn some skills, and most importantly to give God the glory that He deserves.
If you know of any young people who might like to get involved, let me know!
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