Twenty-twenty-two was a great year for Young Adults at Hillcrest! As with all ministries I’m sure, it was amazing to be done with the pandemic restrictions. Through the winter and spring months we had several points of connection with our young adults including: Sunday morning coffee, attending the 11:20am service together, and our monthly Worship & Testimony night.
We had a couple of volunteer leaders host coffee time around 10:45am and promoted and encouraged young adults to come early to the 11:20am service. We gathered together in Hub 2 and took part in the church wide coffee and cinnamon buns. There is always new younger people coming to the church and usually the don’t know anyone or very few people, so getting to know them and making them feel comfortable and at home is so important. There was lots of people meeting each other for the very first time. We then would invite everyone to attend the service together, so that no one would have to sit alone. We definitely need more growth in this area, so that those who are connected make a habit of reaching out to those who are not.
Our monthly Worship & Testimony night took place on the last Monday of each month in Room 8 (off the gym). These were awesome nights of continuing to get to know each other, fellowship, worship, testimony, and coffee/snacks. Each month a small band would lead in worship and a new person would share something that God was teaching them in their lives. We would then break into small groups and have a time of discussion and prayer. Personally I found these nights so encouraging. It’s so amazing to hear what God is up to in the lives of our young people. It’s also cool to see them step up and out of their comfort zone to share with their peers. It’s such a growth experience.
Through the summer months we did a few more Worship & Testimony nights, usually outside around a campfire, and then also hosted some fun nights! We did mini-golf, games night, and outdoor movie night to name a few. I love seeing young people find good community.
In the fall we decided to make a shift and move to more of a small group format. We felt that the young adults were asking for something more consistent. We began weekly bible studies, that were hosted at Jeff & Janna Hickey’s home every Wednesday night at 7pm. Pastor Steve led a bible study and discussion time 3 of the 4 weeks of the month, and on the last Wednesday of the month I (Pastor Wade) led a Worship & Testimony time. Janna always had amazing snacks for us.
Please continue to pray for the young adults of our church. They are the near future leaders. We need to encourage them and make them feel at home and that they have something to offer, because they do! God has amazing things in store for this generation.
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