
Rescue Cambodia

From day one when Rescue was founded, Marie Ens’ heart was to see ‘Cambodians Raising Cambodians’. Today, all 90 of Rescue’s leaders and staff are Cambodians! All the house moms & house parents, the baby caregivers, those caring for Grannies & the adults living with AIDS, the drivers & office staff, the agricultural workers, the schoolteachers and more are all Cambodians!

Rescue Cambodia is playing a part in transforming Cambodia from the inside out as they care for hundreds of orphans, many families living with HIV/AIDS and elderly women left abandoned without anyone to care for them.

Rescue offers help to the helpless and hope to the hopeless. Rescue offers a future. Even when the orphan children grow up and go out into Cambodian society, Rescue will always be “home”.

In 2020 the Legacy Ministry adopted Rescue as one of our evangelism projects. Due to Covid-19 we postponed the trip (TBD) but were able to pray for and financially support the ministry in the months to come. We kept in contact with leadership on a quarterly basis and are considering a missions trip in 2023.

Please check out www.rescuecambodia.org for more information.

Operation Christmas Child

Each year the Legacy Ministry oversees our contribution to OCC. In 2020 we became the regional collection centre for SE Alberta. In 2021 we had 22 volunteers and collected 1442 boxes.

The Medicine Hat area collected an additional 116 boxes online for a grand total of 1558 boxes.

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