
Widower and Singles Fellowship

Despite covid restrictions, we continued our first Thursday of the month Bible Study/Fellowship with about a dozen or so ladies. With the help and leadership of Pat Anderson, Melita Leng, and Ruth Moerman, we studied Psalm 23, lifted one another up in prayer, and spent the remainder of our time sharing our lives with one another and encouraging one another in fellowship.

On the third Thursday of each month the ladies gathered with their bag lunches to encourage and bless each other. This ministry happened less often as food was not allowed but a few ladies continued to meet for a time of Bible reading and prayer.

We also had several gatherings at Kin Coulee Park.


Legacy Bible Study

Our Legacy Bible Study (Thursday evenings) led by Richard Buehler carried on between shutdowns. It continued to be well received with roughly 20+ in attendance. In the Spring we started a second Bible study with Richard and the same material but offered it on a Tuesday afternoon for those who didn’t like to drive at night.

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