Visiting in hospital and hospice. This past year, I have witnessed the miracle-working power of God. I’ve also witnessed the joy and peace that comes from knowing that God is with us, regardless of our circumstances. I am thankful for the confidence in God and strong Christian character that I have seen reflected in church members who have been hospitalized or placed into palliative care. I am thankful for the many opportunities I have had to read Scripture and pray with individuals, and really get to know them. Our talks about the faithfulness of God, and the promises of heaven. I am grateful for the support of family members, and the quality of care that I see is being provided. I should note that we have many in our church who work in the healthcare field, and it really is a blessing to me any time I get to see them in their workplace, making a difference.
Visiting in restaurants, homes and coffee shops. It was refreshing to begin meeting once again in places throughout the city. Where people live and work and eat.
Offering care to phone-ins and drop-ins. Whether it is someone from the church, or a complete stranger, my goal is always to encourage, to pray and to help them as best I can. If there are more urgent needs beyond what we are able to do as a church, I try to connect them with another community organization. Even drive them there if I have to.
Officiating funerals and memorial services. I walked through the darkest valley with several families and communities this year, seeking to offer Christ’s comfort, hope and support in the midst of grievous loss. Please remember the Heron, Richter, Christian, Stigter, Foreman, Rogge, Essex, Spackman and Salazar families in your prayers.
Pre-marriage sessions and weddings. 2022 was a slow year for weddings, for obvious reasons. But I was blessed to officiate one wedding during the Christmas season. It was an honour to take Brad & Xyla through their pre-marriage sessions and prepare them for life together as husband and wife.
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