Weekly Kids Ministries

Children ages 0-5 along with their caregivers enjoy Friday mornings at Hillcrest! 35-40 people participate in this low-key socializing time, including many from outside our church community. This year it has been encouraging to see lots of dads coming as well.

45-55 girls in Grades 1-6 attend Glow Girlz each Wednesday night, along with about 14 dedicated leaders. They sing songs, play games, learn an interactive Bible lesson, and have meaningful discussions in their small groups. This year, six girls prayed to accept Christ during a Glow Girlz evening, and 4 girls were baptized. They also do various community projects like collecting pajamas for the Women’s Shelter donating food to the Food Bank. A highlight is Around the World Night where they experience different cultures of people in our church.

Grade 1-4 boys 25-30 boys come each Wednesday night to learn and play various sports and have a Bible lesson. The energy in the gym is unbelievable! 6 adult leaders and 6 junior leaders dedicate their Wednesday nights to sharing God’s love with these guys in an unforgettable way. One boy and a junior leader were baptized at just boyz this year.

XP56 Friday Nights: 20-25 Grade 5-6 boys enjoy Friday night activities throughout the church or outdoors, building relationships with 8 leaders and using up a lot of energy! This unique ministry is a great outlet for the boys and is for many the first connection they ever have with a church. Dedicated leaders provide a safe place for kids to come, and demonstrate Christ’s love as they spend time together. They love when Pastor Steve participates in the Elf Mystery Night, and Survivor is the highlight of each year!

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Summer Daycamp

Monumental Daycamp 2023

Summer Daycamp 2023 brought 100 kids to Hillcrest in two separate weeks. At least 5 children accepted Christ during those weeks. We had about 50 volunteers, and some of them came along to assist River Valley Community Church to do the same program in their neighborhood. They were very grateful for this boost to help them launch what they’ve been dreaming of doing for many years.

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Events Through the Year


An Easter Egg Hunt is a perfect opportunity to reach out to our community with a fun family event, and at the same time invite people to join us for Easter services. A casual event allows people to see that the church is a welcoming place, and begins to open doors. There is a hunger in our world for something deeper, and we can offer families an chance to celebrate and begin to explore what Jesus offered to us through his life, death, and resurrection.

240 people attended the Easter Egg Hunt in 2023, and we look forward to continuing this annual event.


Many families came to the Pumpkin Party in October to enjoy an alternative to candy and scary costumes. About 100 kids participated.


Journey to Bethlehem was such an amazing day! Over 40 volunteers were committed and serving as actors, greeters, food servers, and support. 250 people attended, and many were touched by the unique telling of the challenges around the birth of Jesus from Mary and Joseph’s perspective. Holy Spirit’s work was evident as many details came together and it flowed smoothly and powerfully.


Baby dedication brings together home and church in a commitment to provide a God-honoring environment for our children. 12 families dedicated their children to the Lord in 2023. Several families do this ceremony publicly in a church service, and others choose to have a private event with Pastor Cindy, their family, and friends.

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In October 2023, we were able to set up a Family Resource Centre, where materials are available (some for free and some for purchase), and it is a place where I can meet families and make connections. It is a nice complement to the Library and is in the hallway of the Family Ministries wing.

Many people have been able to find books for their children, parenting resources, and Bibles already, especially for Christmas.

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Sunday Morning Ministries


Sundays during the 10:00 and 11:20 am services, children are cared for in Wonder World, in classrooms custom-designed to their specific ages. Tawny Babcock manages the team of 80+ volunteers and prepares all of the lesson materials for each week. About 80 children attend on Sunday mornings, to learn these three basic truths:

1.    God made me.

2.    God loves me.

3.    Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Kids in Grades 1-4 enjoy Large Group songs, games, and Bible lesson before going into their small groups to do life application activities. 30 volunteers make this ministry possible. Between 40-60 children attend on a typical Sunday In Discovery Gang, and kids learn these three basic truths:

  1. I can trust God no matter what.

  2. I can make the wise choice.

  3. I need to treat others the way I want to be treated.

Sunday mornings at 10:00am, 20-25 Grade 5 and 6 students gather for games, snacks, and relevant Bible teaching. It’s a time for preteens to explore the deeper questions of their faith while building relationships with their 6 trusted leaders. This year they have done the Youth Alpha course as well as Cold Case Christianity for Kids.

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