Weekly Kids Ministries

Children ages 0-5 along with their caregivers enjoy Friday mornings at Hillcrest! 35-40 people participate in this low-key socializing time, including many from outside our church community. This year it has been encouraging to see lots of dads coming as well.

45-55 girls in Grades 1-6 attend Glow Girlz each Wednesday night, along with about 14 dedicated leaders. They sing songs, play games, learn an interactive Bible lesson, and have meaningful discussions in their small groups. This year, six girls prayed to accept Christ during a Glow Girlz evening, and 4 girls were baptized. They also do various community projects like collecting pajamas for the Women’s Shelter donating food to the Food Bank. A highlight is Around the World Night where they experience different cultures of people in our church.

Grade 1-4 boys 25-30 boys come each Wednesday night to learn and play various sports and have a Bible lesson. The energy in the gym is unbelievable! 6 adult leaders and 6 junior leaders dedicate their Wednesday nights to sharing God’s love with these guys in an unforgettable way. One boy and a junior leader were baptized at just boyz this year.

XP56 Friday Nights: 20-25 Grade 5-6 boys enjoy Friday night activities throughout the church or outdoors, building relationships with 8 leaders and using up a lot of energy! This unique ministry is a great outlet for the boys and is for many the first connection they ever have with a church. Dedicated leaders provide a safe place for kids to come, and demonstrate Christ’s love as they spend time together. They love when Pastor Steve participates in the Elf Mystery Night, and Survivor is the highlight of each year!

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