An Easter Egg Hunt is a perfect opportunity to reach out to our community with a fun family event, and at the same time invite people to join us for Easter services. A casual event allows people to see that the church is a welcoming place, and begins to open doors. There is a hunger in our world for something deeper, and we can offer families an chance to celebrate and begin to explore what Jesus offered to us through his life, death, and resurrection.
240 people attended the Easter Egg Hunt in 2023, and we look forward to continuing this annual event.
Many families came to the Pumpkin Party in October to enjoy an alternative to candy and scary costumes. About 100 kids participated.
Journey to Bethlehem was such an amazing day! Over 40 volunteers were committed and serving as actors, greeters, food servers, and support. 250 people attended, and many were touched by the unique telling of the challenges around the birth of Jesus from Mary and Joseph’s perspective. Holy Spirit’s work was evident as many details came together and it flowed smoothly and powerfully.
Baby dedication brings together home and church in a commitment to provide a God-honoring environment for our children. 12 families dedicated their children to the Lord in 2023. Several families do this ceremony publicly in a church service, and others choose to have a private event with Pastor Cindy, their family, and friends.
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