And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly... ” (Luke 18:6–8, NIV)
The power of persevering prayer is a mystery. In much of what we have discovered to this point, it seems that Jesus is saying we will hear an answer to the prayer of faith. And there has been little or no hint of the need to continually pray. In fact, Jesus has warned us about the vain repetitions of those who don't truly trust and believe the power of God. And yet here Jesus says that there will be times where we will need to persevere in prayer. There will be seasons where we will need to cry out to the Father day and night in order to receive what we ask for. This is a profound mystery.
What is God's goal in this kind of prayer? Why does He sometimes require that we call on Him day and night?
First, we know that prayer changes us. And perhaps this is part of God's goal for us in persevering prayer. As we persevere in prayer, our spirit is refined. As we persevere in prayer, our heart is purified. When we must keep calling out to the Father, we experience a deep longing for the presence of God. When we keep on praying, we are being changed along the way.
Second, our request is refined as we continue in prayer. Sometimes extended seasons of prayer will serve to refine that which we are asking for. The longer we endure in prayer, the more clear our need becomes to us, and thus we can express it to the Father more clearly.
Third, the character quality of patience grows within us as we wait on the Lord for an answer to our prayer. The combination of patience and faith is powerful in the spiritual realm. Patience requires that we continue to submit to God and humble ourselves before Him. An impatient child has put himself and his own needs first, above the needs of others. An impatient prayer places ourself and our own needs above the Divine timing of the Living God. So a patient and persistent posture in prayer is important.
Fourth, there is a unique joy found in expectant waiting. When a child receives what they ask for too quickly, sometimes that gift ends up at the bottom of the toy bin. But a gift long-awaited is treasured and valued above other gifts. In the same way, a long-awaited answer to prayer is treasured and valued by us in a way that other answers are not. The posture of expectancy has taught us to value the gift when we finally receive it.
The blessing of this kind of enduring prayer is deeper than we can imagine. Andrew Murray says here, "It [persevering prayer] teaches us to discover and confess, and give up everything that hinders the coming of the blessing... It leads to closer fellowship with Him who alone can teach to pray, to a more entire surrender to draw nigh under no covering but that of the Blood and the Spirit."
What is God saying to me today?
My Prayer List:
Personal Prayer:
Father God, teach me how to pray patiently. Teach me to endure and persevere in prayer, so that in the process, You may change me, and convict me, and grow Your character in me. And help me to grow in faith as I persevere in prayer. Help me to trust in Your unfailing promises as I call out to You. In Jesus name, Amen.