“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:19–20, NIV)
Jesus taught us that there is spiritual power in our secret prayer life. He told us to pray in secret and not for the attention of others. Yet he also teaches us that there are times where we may need to come together before the Father with two or three others. And that when we agree together on what we ask for, it will be done for us.
It doesn't make sense that family members would only speak to their father individually. No. In family units we talk to our parents together as well. In the same way, when two or three believers gather before the Lord to pray, it is like a family meeting or a family gathering, where we talk to our heavenly Father together. There is power in praying to MY Father, yet there is also power in praying to OUR Father who is in heaven.
There are three characteristics of this kind of united prayer.
First, Jesus says that there is agreement in prayer. We come together with a purpose, with something we have agreed that we will ask the Father about. Something important or pressing that is on our mind and our heart. There is agreement among those praying that this “thing” is of utmost importance. And as we pray, we are in agreement of what we are asking and expecting from the Lord.
Second, we are gathering in the Name of Jesus. Jesus is the center of our gathering. Jesus is the center of our thoughts. Jesus is the reason we are bonded together in prayer. We understand that the Name of the Lord is a strong tower and we, as God's righteous people, can run to it, and be heard in our time of need. And, when we gather in Jesus' Name, the presence and Spirit of Jesus is among us in that moment.
Third, Jesus says there will be a certain answer to this kind of prayer. In other words, a prayer meeting in which there is not an answer to prayer, would be an anomaly rather than the norm. Sometimes we come to prayer meetings or gatherings in order to fellowship. And sometimes we pray for insignificant things, but Jesus says that when we come together with an agreed upon need and we are asking the Father to respond to that need, then the Father hears us and it will be done for us.
What an incredible promise! What a beautiful privilege! To know that a believing husband and wife can come together in prayer over whatever need they have, and, if they agree together in Jesus Name, they will receive what they have asked for. Parents, there is power in your prayers together!
Do you have a personal need? Have you been praying and not receiving? Then call together two or three believing friends and share your need with them. Agree together in the Name of Jesus and watch as the Lord begins to move and you receive an answer!
Who can say what kind of influence the body of Christ could have if we prayed together in such a way for our world. If we asked the Lord together that His Kingdom would come to earth as it is in heaven. If we agreed on that together and called it into being because of the promises of our Lord Jesus! Oh the blessings that await us if we would only gather together in prayer.
What is God saying to me today?
My Prayer List:
Personal Prayer:
Father, show me two or three people in my life whom I can pray with. Reveal to me a group of people who can stand with me in prayer, and with whom I can stand in prayer. Let us see Your Kingdom come as we pray together. In Jesus name, Amen.