Young Adults

2021 was an awesome year for Young Adults ministry! There was and is a growing passion to see a community cultivated where young adults can get to know each other, as they get to know God and who He has made them to be.

In a lot of ways it was like a re-launch. We gathered a group of young adult leaders in the church and asked them what they would love to see in a young adults ministry. We heard things like vulnerability, authenticity, community, relationship, worship, testimony, fellowship and coffee of course. Some soft plans began as we were still in the COVID season, but a few things emerged including pre-service coffee, hang-out nights, worship & testimony nights (including prayer and discussion) and Sunday lunches. Through 2021 we found creative ways to make all these things happen.

In the summer we had the privilege of having Parkor Thomas take the lead with Young Adults. He began the regular pre-service coffee times, planned some awesome hang out nights, and was able to discover who the core group of young adults were at Hillcrest. The summer started off with an amazing night down at Kin Coulee where over 50 young adults came to play games, have a fire, and get to know one another. Parkor continued with the young adults through the summer before handing things off to me (Pastor Wade) for the fall.

Until the weather turned cold we were able to have Sunday lunches outside at Hillcrest’s back fire pit or at Central Park. Food is a great way to connect with people. I continued to encourage all the young adults to attend the 11:20 service specifically so that they could find each other on a Sunday and so new young adults would see and get to know the core group. We are still encouraging young adults to choose the 11:20 service for this reason, and then they are able to sleep in! Lucky.

Worship & Testimony nights have been such an encouragement. It is so cool to see a group of young adults worshipping, fellowshipping, encouraging, praying, and sharing testimony of what God is doing in their lives. These happen on the last Monday night of the month at 7pm, and we have been meeting in the gym or room 8 (as restrictions allowed). Each month we have small band lead us in a time of worship before one person shares a bit of their story. We get to hear about the amazing things that God is doing in the lives of these young people. The person sharing will then pose a question or two for discussion and we will break into groups and chat with and pray for each other. Before and after the worship and testimony we hang out and have coffee.

Personally I have been so encouraged and excited to see what God is doing here at Hillcrest with our community of Young Adults. There is a growing number joining us and we hope to continue with that momentum so that people will know that this is a place where young adults can grow in their faith and find community. And, in a few short years they will be the leaders in our church. Some of them already are!

If you know of a young adult who may want to get connected make sure to reach out to us.

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