With the help of Ruth Pahl, Jamie Deibert, Esther Weeks and others we provided monthly chapel services to:
· River Ridge (2nd Wednesday of the month at 1:30pm)
· Meadowlands (2nd Thursday of the month at 10:30am)
· South Country Village (3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:45pm)
· Meadow Ridge (3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:30pm)
· St. Joes (3rd Wednesday of the month at 3:30pm)
· Valleyview (4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm)
· River View (4th Monday of the month at 2pm)
· Hillcrest Church (4th Wednesday of the month at 1:30pm – Sept/Dec/Mar)
· Masterpiece (4th Thursday of the month at 10:30am)
· Chinook Village (Sundays, as needed)
Attendance has been roughly 6-50+ in attendance (depending on the facility).
In April, my wife and I were asked to provide an Easter Sunday service at Meadowlands. We had a beautiful service with nearly 100 in attendance. Normally, I have between 6-12 in attendance at Meadowlands.
We continued to send out copies of our Sunday services and HEMC chapel services to several facilities. Recreation directors used them weekly. We were even able to send over our Christmas Eve Service and Christmas Day Service for them to use. The response was excellent.
We continued to live stream the Hillcrest Chapel service to several of the facilities listed above and/or send DVDs. I estimate we had roughly 40-50 in attendance at each Hillcrest Chapel and after consulting the recreation directors, close to that number again watching online.
I recognize and am very thankful to all of you who pray for me, my family, and the Legacy Ministry. This year, a group of several individuals in the church agreed to pray for my weekly requests and a second group was formed to pray more formally for prayer requests relating to all the upcoming events, activities and issues the Legacy Ministry is facing. It’s very encouraging to know that I have this support.
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