I continued to spend as much time as I could with in-person and phone visitation throughout 2023. I continue to love and appreciate the time I’m given to spend with our church family, hearing their stories as they share their hearts and also with the opportunity to pray with such faithful servants of Christ. I feel I’m being blessed more than I am being a blessing in this role.

I was privileged to officiate/co-officiate at the funerals of Yvonne Baker, Raymond Stabler, Barbara LeBlanc, Walter Lietz and Mark Bolender.

Each year I send out letters and booklets called “Journey Through Grief” to encourage and support those who have lost a spouse. Each book describes the issues and feelings we tend to encounter at various points during the first year after experiencing a loss. In 2023 I send out 26 letters and booklets.

I was given the opportunity to preach a couple of times in July and once in December.

Along with Pastor Glenn and Pastor Jamie, I hosted our online service that runs live in conjunction with our 10am Service.

I occasionally helped the tech department on Sundays in the role of Production Manager, Worship Centre Sound, Online Sound, and covering for Alexis once a month to give him a much-needed break.

Finally, I have really enjoyed working with Pastor Steve and Pastor Jamie on the Lead Team. It has been a challenge but I’m learning to balance my role as Legacy Pastor and the added responsibilities from the Executive Pastor role. I have particularly appreciated supervising 13 of our staff members. It is a great staff to work with.

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