
·         Pat Anderson

·         Melita Leng

·         Ruth Moerman

·         Carol Kulhavy

·         Betty Kramer

We continued our first Thursday of the month Bible Study/Fellowship with about 10-15 ladies. We had a great study in the book of James. We spent time in prayer and fellowship.

We also had a couple of gatherings at Kin Coulee Park in the summer.


Our Legacy Bible Study (Thursday evenings) was moved to Tuesday afternoons to help individuals who had difficulty traveling at night (especially in the winter). It was led by Ron Prosser. They studied Hebrews, Acts, and Romans and averaged 20-25 people.



·         Ruth Bruins

·         Doug and Heather Roberts

·         Phil and Annalora Horch

In 2022 we ran our first Legacy Grandparenting Summit. From that summit, the individuals listed above recognized the value and importance of training up intentional Christian grandparents and wanted to do more. In 2023 this group was formed and provided the following:

Grand Monday Nights (GMN): The team recognized that grandparents are busy people so they first wanted to provide resources that were unscheduled and flexible. We held an information night to expose grandparents to GMN. It is a free weekly webinar to help individuals grow as Christian grandparents. From the presenters each week, GMN helps nurture grandchildren’s faith and overcome grandparenting obstacles using relevant topics and speakers, testimonies from other grandparents, and practical ideas and information to help grandparents become intentional Christian grandparents. We had approximately 20 attend.

Grandparenting Matters (GM): The team also wanted to provide more formal training on a regular basis. GM is a six-session seminar that helps grandparents to learn key principles and to embrace their biblical role. It is designed to inform, equip, and inspire participants to become more intentional about grandparenting and build a spiritual legacy with their families. We ran the session in the fall on Sunday mornings during the 11:20 service for about 12 people.

Legacy Grandparenting Summit (LGS) 2023: This is our second year hosting the LGS. LGS is a two-day summit (Thursday/Friday, October 19/20) whose purpose is to encourage grandparents to embrace their biblical role and unleash the potential of intentional Christian grandparenting. We heard from amazing speakers such as Dr. Tony Evans and Dr. Crawford Loritts. We had 34 people in attendance. It is one of the highlights of my year and always makes a profound impact on those who attend.

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