Ministering to those in hospital and hospice. In 2023 I visited more than 60 individuals and their families in hospital, as well as a half dozen individuals in hospice, ministering to those receiving end-of-life care, including Pastor Mark Bolender and a dear personal friend. I also ministered to those who were struggling with mental health issues and addictions. In some cases, I was able to share the Gospel with those not previously open to the good news of Jesus and, by God’s grace, help them move closer to saving faith.
Ministering in prayer. Prayed for someone who shortly after was healed of a painful disability. Was asked by a family to pray through the home they had purchased. Visited one of my volunteer leaders to pray through his home and cast out a demonic presence. Anointed a husband/father and prayed for healing of his lower back pain following our Baptism Sunday. After praying he said he was healed! No more back pain. These are just some examples of how God has been answering prayer and doing the work we cannot do. To God be the glory for all the answered prayers in 2023!
Ministering to the homeless. By God’s grace, I was able to help a troubled young man who entered the church on a Sunday morning, pleading for help. Led him to receive Christ and, with the support of our prayer team and a family from the church, we were able to house him for the night and get him to his social worker the next day, along with a new set of clothing and shoes.
Ministering to single moms. Pastor Cindy and I had the privilege of visiting a home to speak with a young mom and provide her with a New Testament. She had been dealing with demonic attacks in her home. This young woman was not a Christian, but had a connection with Hillcrest and reached out to me by phone for help and support.
Ministering over the phone. Many times throughout the year, I had the privilege of encouraging and supporting both Christian as well as pre-Christian families, those familiar with and open to the Gospel. Many of these conversations centred around child dedications vs. infant baptism, or a spiritual darkness that was in the home, or a crisis with their children at school. Often, after helping them over the phone, I was able to direct them to Pastor Cindy or Pastor Alisha for further support. I am thankful for these God-given opportunities to support individuals and families and point them to Jesus.
Ministering to grieving families. In 2023 I met with several families whose loved ones were either passing or had already passed away. I was privileged to walk alongside Karen Bolender and minister to her and Jesse as Pastor Mark was preparing to meet the Lord. During the year I conducted 7 funeral services, offering comfort and support while also giving those left behind the opportunity to personally receive God’s offer of love, forgiveness and promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Ministering to internationals. Helped a family who lived overseas secure room and board for their son in a good Christian home. Had the privilege of meeting and praying with the student’s family when they came to Medicine Hat.
Ministering to engaged couples. I had the honour of taking three young couples through pre-marriage counselling in 2023, and performing one of the weddings.
Ministering to church family members. As opportunities presented themselves, I or Carrie and I met with individuals in their homes. It’s a blessing to be able to spend quality time with individuals and families and to encourage them in whatever season they find themselves.

Ministering to Christian men. I count it a privilege to walk alongside men who are looking to grow in their walk with God, whether a college athlete, a young dad, an entrepreneur, or a mature Christian looking to go deeper in his devotional life.
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