Final Remarks

For all you Petra fans out there, I had the privilege of seeing them live in concert in November, as they made their way to Alberta to mark their 50th year of music and ministry to the Lord. Even if you’re not a Petra fan, you can appreciate the point that I’m trying to make, which is: ministry is a marathon, not a sprint. This is why I am so thankful for the many hands that make ministry in general, and my ministry in particular, possible.

  • To Carrie, who faithfully serves alongside me and serves our church family in so many ways.

  • To Linda, my administrative assistant, who ensures that people are contacted, lists are kept and items like Communion supplies are re-ordered.

  • To Christy who works the front office reception and helps me with staying connected with Bible study leaders and printing off materials for our groups.

  • To my prayer team and the many volunteers who, without their involvement,. prayers and support, would make it impossible for me to do what I do and for the church to function in a healthy, life-giving, Christ-honouring way.

Once again, I find myself grateful to God for His grace and for giving me the opportunity to work and serve at Hillcrest Church. I am thankful for the amazing and talented staff I get to work with, and for the gifted and dedicated volunteer leaders I get to serve alongside, including many of you! I am humbled and blessed to be part of all that God is doing in and through this church family, and I am privileged to be part of it. Thank you for allowing me to minister God’s love to a hurting world through Hillcrest.

Sincerely in Christ,

Pastor Jamie

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