Serving at Family Camp. Carrie and I had the honour of being Family Camp speakers for a second year in a row. We love what Denver and Julie are doing at Whispering Pines Camp, and we were thrilled to be able to encourage and connect with many families.
Saying goodbye to a trusted mentor and friend. July holidays included a driving trip to Abbotsford, to visit a former professor in the final stages of Parkinson's. Roger was not only an accomplished academic, theologian and author, he was a spiritual father and a member of our family. For 5 years he attended the same post-secondary institution that he would later return to in 1974 to begin his teaching career, which lasted an incredible 42 years. He was a popular instructor among the students, and for at least a decade served in a dual capacity as Academic Dean. He also served as editor of the Canadian C.S. Lewis Journal. Sadly, our visit with Roger turned out to be our last, on this side of heaven. In September we flew out to comfort his widow and family, and for me to conduct his memorial service. For Carrie and I, Roger’s passing is a bittersweet reminder that life on earth is short, but “our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20, NIV). “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57, NIV).
Joining the EMCC Credentialing Interview Team. It was an honour to be asked by our Regional Minister to join the CIT for this area of southeastern Alberta. Our role is meeting with pastors and ministry leaders in the final process of becoming credentialed ministers with the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada. Throughout October and November, I was involved with 3 such interviews, which can last several hours, including the time spent by the CIT making their final decision and recommendation to National Office.
Serving on the EMCC Theology Commission. In the fall I was invited by the National Board to serve on this team. The TC has been tasked with reviewing our Articles of Faith & Practice and making recommendations to the National Board. The goal is to maintain utmost faithfulness to God’s Word by incorporating some of the Articles of Practice into the Articles of Faith, then clarifying and strengthening the practical ways we are called to live out our faith. This work will take several months of consideration, discussion, draft proposals and recommendations. The National Board ultimately decides the final form of the work, and will present their final draft to the General Assembly in April of 2023.
Supporting Canadian Bridge of Hope. In October I had the honour of serving as MC for the annual Canadian Bridge of Hope Fundraising Dinner, which was held in the Gym. It was one of their highest-attended events. CBOH is one of Hillcrest’s designated missions partners. Hillcrest sent a team there in 2018.
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