In 2022 we started offering resources for parents (and everyone) in our Library. There are many free resources available as well as some beautiful items for purchase. A variety of free information is also available in the Parent Room (Room 26).


At Hillcrest, we are focused on serving through all the ages and stages of life. We begin with Baby Baskets and Dedication for new parents, an introducing them to Wonder World. Every June we prepare children and parents for the next classroom or ministry that will be coming next. Grade Six to Seven is a crucial transition time, and Pastor Cindy works with Pastor Alisha to create a connection for kids moving into Youth Ministry. Feel free to ask questions if you want to know more about how we walk with kids and families through the phases.


It is a great privilege to walk with young people in the step of baptism. This is often done in our church services, but at times we do this in other locations.


It is undoubtedly clear that none of these ministries can be done without the commitment of dedicated and dependable volunteers. I believe that as God gives a vision to a leader for ministry, He also lays it on the hearts of many people to be involved. What is He calling you to become a part of this year?

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