Sharing a meal or food together is a great way to meet new people and gives you time to share your life with others. The people preparing the food are blessed as well as the people enjoying it!
Last year was a busy one in the kitchen.
6 funerals or memorials.
Snacks for hundreds of kids every week (Youth, Glow Girls, Just Boys, XP 56)
Stick Around Sundays are church wide events for the whole family which started in January and continued in the following months: February, March, May, November. Most featured a variety of soups and cheese biscuits but the May event had Taco in a Bag as a Welcome to Spring celebration! Hundreds of people are served with many volunteers helping to make this event run smoothly and efficiently.
IF Conference: appetizer, breakfast and lunch with Pumpkin Leek Soup and homemade buns and squares
Legacy Grandparenting summit: 2-day seminar with lunch and snacks
Alpha on Sundays: yogurt, fruit, and homemade baking
Pajama Jam: juice boxes and muffins and yogurt tubes
AGM: info night with coffee and desserts.
Kickoff: In September we kickoff our ministry year with information about our church ministries and a light snack to enjoy as everyone walked around. Last year we had Egg Bites, biscuits, yogurt, fruit and cinnamon buns.
Open House: a invitation to our friends and neighbours to join us at the church. The menu was pepperoni pizza sliders, pumpkin cookies, fruit and muffins.
Pancake Breakfast: This was our biggest year yet with serving nearly 2000 people with pancakes and sausage, and coffee. And it was fun! There were vintage pedal tractors, face painting and lawn games to enjoy.
Easter Egg Hunt: “Bunny Bait” was enjoyed by all who attended.
Church Family Picnic: hotdogs, chips and pop were served as our congregation enjoyed the last One Service Sunday of the summer.
Grade One Bible Event: hotdogs and cupcakes for the Grade one students who also received a new bible from the church.
Youth Grad: An Victorian themed fun event for the graduation students and their families.
Hymn Sing is a monthly event that was followed by a snack from the Church kitchen.
Lunch Café is also a monthly event that invites members to invite guests into a welcoming space with a simple lunch.
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