Furniture Ministries

2021 was a challenging but successful year for the Furniture Ministry. The volunteer team served the Lord and the community well with a determination and a desire to provide the comforts of home to those in need. Despite the obstacles of ever-changing restrictions and guidelines, the team pressed on and found ways to safely pack and deliver the much needed items. The Ministry was able to provide much-needed furniture and household items to 147 homes thanks to the generous donations to the Community Care Fund as well as furniture donations by 144 donors.

Due to the price of lumber and fuel, we faced a 65% increase in the cost of twin beds and 57% increase in double beds. We continue to work with the mattress company, accessing its “Beds for Kids” charity program and seeking other affordable options as well as creative means to raise funds to purchase the beds.

In 2020 we were focused on ways that we could connect deeper with the clients and had hoped to do a luncheon at the Church twice a year. We did host one successfully but then were not able to continue due to restrictions. We continue to search for other meaningful ways to connect and share the word of the Lord with them.

We have received cards of thanks and gratitude as well as phone calls from referral agencies expressing how moved their clients were by the items they received. One agency called saying that a gentleman who was in a very dire situation had become a volunteer with them as he was so touched by the food and care they provided to him. Once they found out that he had no furniture or basic necessities, they referred him to us. When he received his delivery, he began sobbing with gratitude. Another worker called to express how a pregnant single mom of a young child was moved to tears by the items she received.

I am moved by the compassion and dedication of the volunteers of this ministry. The team that cleans items as they come in and those who pack the orders show such concern for what they are doing. The joy that they show as they handpick certain items that they feel will bless the recipient is heartwarming! The delivery team is an incredibly stellar group of committed people who show up no matter how hot, cold, or windy it may be. They do the back breaking work of heavy lifting and maneuvering in less-than-ideal circumstances and then take time to pray with the client.

Thank you to Pastor Michael Deibert for his valuable guidance and support in the operating of the Furniture Ministry.

Thank you to all the volunteers and donors, past and present for ensuring that this valuable ministry is available to those in need in our community.

-Christy Wonnenberg

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