Early Bird Registration is now open and goes until July 2nd, register before the 2nd and you eligible to win a Great Prize!!
1. Save the date. Oct 8th, 2022
2. Checkout our website www.thewaterrun.ca
3. We had to start a new Facebook page this year so make sure you go follow and like our new page “The Water Run Medicine Hat”.
4. Get registered as soon as possible and start talking to friends and family about sponsoring you or better yet is invite them to do the run with you.
5. Once you are registered you can start to fundraise right on your personal site.
On my latest trip to Turkana I had the awesome privilege of taking Ava and Michelle, two lovely young ladies from our Water Run Team. After their two weeks in the Turkana Desert one of the comments that came up was, "We had no idea that The Water Run funds helped in so many different ways". So I thought it would be good to break it down to show everyone that there is a much bigger picture then just Drilling for Water. Nehemiah Construction has drilled over 60 water wells helping to change the lives of thousands of Turkana villagers.
Though the education and community development programs lives are being changed.
One of the most difficult things that we deal with on a regular basis is the severe droughts and lack of food. It is heartbreaking to go into a village to begin drilling and find children and the elderly dying. Whenever possible we always try to have some extra food staples with the drilling team.
As a parent, another very difficult thing to witness is driving out into the desert and finding children 12-13 years old that are naked or their clothes are so wore out that they are just hanging on their bodies. Over the years we have always tried to keep a supply of children's clothes on hand to distribute to the most needed. Again Thank you for making a difference.
When the ladies were planning their trip and how they could be involved in ministry, they found an organization called Days For Girls. Their focus is on educating young women on hygiene and their monthly cycle by supplying washable, reusable kits. It is helping young girls to take back days they miss from school because of lack of basic needs. It was very well received and I believe it has opened up an opportunity for future teams of women that would like to venture into the Turkana desert.
Ava and Michelle from The Water Run Team were like people magnets wherever they went. The Turkana women and children loved their infectious smiles!