Whispering Pines Camp

This Summer we were able to run our kids summer camps for the first time since 2019 and it has been so exciting! 

Over the Summer we have welcomed close to 300 campers, many of whom it was their very first time at camp. We have seen kids, teens and young adults accept Christ into their lives for the very first time, and many more recommit their lives to Him. It has been so amazing to see and be a part of what God is doing in the lives of young people through camp ministry.

As our camps come to a close, we could use prayer that God would continue to work in the lives of the campers, volunteers and staff that came to know Him this summer.  We are so thankful that as a team we were able to be a safe place, have fun and share Christ with the kids who attended.

If you would like to be involved, we are always in need of volunteers to help run activities, mow the lawn and with maintenance projects. We were able to sponsor many  campers, who otherwise wouldn't have been able to come. If you would like to donate to the camp to help support this ministry or would like more information, you can check out our website at www.whisperingpinescamp.ca or call 403-893-2072.

God bless,

Denver and Julie Knodel

Prairie Gleaners

With Covid restrictions being lifted, the Prairie Gleaners plant is in full operation.  If you have time, please volunteer to prepare vegetables for dehydration and packaging for hungry people around the world.  No pre registration is necessary, the air conditioned plant is open from 8:30 AM to 12 noon Tuesday to Saturday.  For more information please view our website:  prairiegleaners.com 

 Thanks for your help.


Furniture Ministry and Community Cares

The Furniture Ministry has had a busy 1st quarter packing and delivering furniture and household goods to 41 individuals and families across our city. We are blessed to have a great group of available volunteers to carry out the labor-intensive duties of packing and delivering these items. The fellowship and camaraderie between the volunteers is inspiring and shines through to those that they encounter. We often hear back from recipients about how overwhelmed and grateful they are for the number of wonderful items they received as well as how great the delivery team was. We are grateful for all your generous donations of gently used furniture & household items as well as your financial contributions. We were greatly blessed and encouraged by a generous anonymous donation to the Community Cares Fund that allowed us to purchase much needed beds for this Ministry. Thank you for your support!

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Nehemiah Construction

Early Bird Registration is now open and goes until July 2nd, register before the 2nd and you eligible to win a Great Prize!! 

1. Save the date. Oct 8th, 2022

2. Checkout our website www.thewaterrun.ca
3. We had to start a new Facebook page this year so make sure you go follow and like our new page “The Water Run Medicine Hat”.
4. Get registered as soon as possible and start talking to friends and family about sponsoring you or better yet is invite them to do the run with you.

5. Once you are registered you can start to fundraise right on your personal site.

On my latest trip to Turkana I had the awesome privilege of taking Ava and Michelle, two lovely young ladies from our Water Run Team. After their two weeks in the Turkana Desert one of the comments that came up was, "We had no idea that The Water Run funds helped in so many different ways". So I thought it would be good to break it down to show everyone that there is a much bigger picture then just Drilling for Water. Nehemiah Construction has drilled over 60 water wells helping to change the lives of thousands of Turkana villagers.


Though the education and community development programs lives are being changed.


One of the most difficult things that we deal with on a regular basis is the severe droughts and lack of food. It is heartbreaking to go into a village to begin drilling and find children and the elderly dying. Whenever possible we always try to have some extra food staples with the drilling team. 


As a parent, another very difficult thing to witness is driving out into the desert and finding children 12-13 years old that are naked or their clothes are so wore out that they are just hanging on their bodies. Over the years we have always tried to keep a supply of children's clothes on hand to distribute to the most needed. Again Thank you for making a difference.


When the ladies were planning their trip and how they could be involved in ministry, they found an organization called Days For Girls. Their focus is on educating young women on hygiene and their monthly cycle by supplying washable, reusable kits. It is helping young girls to take back days they miss from school because of lack of basic needs. It was very well received and I believe it has opened up an opportunity for future teams of women that would like to venture into the Turkana desert.

Ava and Michelle from The Water Run Team were like people magnets wherever they went. The Turkana women and children loved their infectious smiles!


The Connection


We have developed an International Networking Hub to connect local and international people online. Join a group or become a facilitator.

INHUB groups are great for cultural knowledge sharing, social support, and caring for the local and international people in our community.


Rescue Cambodia


Right from day one when Rescue was founded, Marie’s heart was to see ‘Cambodians Raising Cambodians’. Today, Rescue’s leaders & staff, ALL 90 of them are Cambodians! All the house moms & house parents, the baby caregivers, those caring for our Grannies & the adults living with AIDS, the drivers & office staff, the agricultural workers, the school teachers & more!

This past April we launched a 30-day campaign, where money raised will pay for Rescue’s staff salaries for an entire year! Our goal is big! $365,000CDN. That’s $1000/day for 365 days. We are so thankful for each and every staff member! Every day in April we highlighted one of them as we shared their stories on our website and our social media channels.

We can’t thank you enough for your continued prayers and support of Rescue Cambodia over the years. Your partnership has been pivotal to our efforts on the ground providing a haven for orphan children, families living with AIDS, and destitute elderly women.

Would you stand with us and help us reach our goal?

Donations towards our campaign ‘Cambodians Raising Cambodians’ can be made online at www.rescuecambodia.org or you can mail in a cheque to us:
128 Tuscany Hills Circle NW, Calgary, AB, T3L 2E5.
Cheques are payable to “Rescue Cambodia”.

Thank you again for walking alongside Rescue Cambodia. We can’t do it without you

Thank you for your faithful prayers!

The Nigeria Project


The church needs more prayers and support in Northern Nigeria.

The unrest and persecution of believers continue to rise in small communities. For the past 4 weeks, christian communities in Southern Kaduna Stata have been attacked and one report said about 27 people have been killed in 2 days, in just one community. other attacks go unreported

Children are left fatherless, women are widowed, houses and churches are burnt, properties are destroyed and we anticipate more challenges to emerge after the attacks.

Please continue to pray for safety and God's intervention as the physical and spiritual needs of the persecuted church continue to arise due to these attacks. 

Last friday our volunteers in Nigeria distributed fertilizers to support a local church plant that is pastored by one of the missionaries we support and work with in Northern Nigeria.

The pastor of this church faces challenges of persecution, physically and economically,  and his emerging congregation are mostly first generation christians.

Through the Haske Community Project (Nigeria Project), we helped 19 families with fertilizers (one of two bags depending on the size of the farm) for their corn and rice farms. Thanks to Hillcrest Church for the monthly support that aid us to do this relief

We also purchased a bicycle for the pastor to help with transportation for outreach and visitation as he goes to the villages and families to visit those that are struggling with their faith and many who don't know Jesus.

Below are some photos of the recent church community we supported:

Kent and Brenda Royer

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Thanks for your constant care and support of our ministry.

So much has been going on since our last newsletter, we are happy to have the chance to tell you all about it.

We have both transitioned into new roles with Wycliffe Canada after serving for over 12 years at the Canada Institute of Linguistics.

Kent is taking up a new role as Travel Risk and Child Safety Manager. With the many changes in the world related to Covid-19 and other politically challenging climates, Wycliffe has asked Kent to take on this role to help ensure that members are aware of the risks and considerations of moving to their country of assignment. Member safety and security is a corporate responsibility, and in Wycliffe there can be multiple entities involved in determining the risk factors of any assignment. Covid-19 and recent world events have highlighted the need for Wycliffe Canada to centralize this information. Child safety is something all churches are aware of and this new role will centralize Wycliffe Canada’s policies and procedures to one manager.

Brenda is now serving as BC Member Care Advisor. In this role, she provides care, support and administrative help to all members of Wycliffe Canada who are from BC – about 100 people currently. Member Care Advisors are responsible to ensure that all Wycliffe Canada members receive adequate encouragement, support, care, and information either while in Canada or outside of Canada, to carry out their assignments well. She works alongside all missionaries (from translators to support staff, children, and families). She works with the new members who are preparing for their first field assignments to those who are readying themselves for retirement.

Another update is that we are moving again. Some of you will remember that we found ourselves needing to buy a home in the midst of a crazy real-estate market about 4 years ago. At that time, we realized that we would need to find a more creative and affordable way to live in the lower mainland of BC and since we were both over 55, we began looking at senior housing societies. We have recently been offered the chance to move into one. We were concerned that selling our current home may be an issue with the Covid-19 restrictions. We listed on Monday, June 22nd, had an offer on that day and a second offer on Tuesday. All that to say, God has answered our prayers regarding not only the provision of a good housing option for us but also the quick and easy sale of our home.

We will get access to our new home at the beginning of August and the new owners of our current home will get possession on the 15th. We are thankful for the amount of time that we have to complete our move, which allows us to continue to work during the daytime and move in the evenings.

In the fall, Brenda will transition from full-time with Wycliffe to 4 days of work each week. She will be spending each Monday with our one year old granddaughter, Madelaine, as our daughter-in-law returns to her job as a kindergarten teacher.

Pray for Kent as he develops strategies and policies that will best guide the travel and safety of the many Wycliffe Canada members serving around the world.

Pray for Brenda as she learns her new role. She was able to do some virtual training but as she is quickly finding out, there are many situations that arise that are not part of a training manual. Pray that she would be a good listener, provide guidance and comfort for those who are working through difficult situations, and that she would have more opportunities for further training and development for this new role.

Pray that our move would go well and that we would be salt and light to our new community.

We are thankful for you and pray that God would continue to bless you all as you serve the Medicine Hat community and beyond.

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