Hillcrest Connects

March 27, 2020


We wanted to give you an update, with more details on our current position at Hillcrest.

There are several things I wanted to give the members more detail on. You should know first that we were being prepared by the Lord for this season in many ways and as we continue with the work, we need your ongoing prayer. We are not overcome with fear, and instead, we are finding our faith being made sure.

While we don’t know how long this season will last, we are continuing to work with the Ministry Council on long-term strategic planning. At the same time, we have convened a Personnel Committee and a Finance Committee to help the Senior Pastors to navigate these times. In particular, since we are not meeting together in the Church building, our spending has changed, and we are preparing a new budget to be brought to Ministry Council at our April meeting.

Besides cutting programs, events, and travel because of the lockdown, we are also dong some strategic, short-term lay-offs among the staff. At the same time, we have had an increase in spending in technology to better connect with our Church family.

Along with improvements to web-casting, we are also moving our website to a new provider starting on Monday night (March 30). Our theme for this season is Hillcrest Connects. Our regular ministries are going online wherever possible. Pastor Steve and Pastor Kristen have also started an online prayer meeting on Facebook. Further, we’re doing a new daily video series: Hillcrest Connects. If you have a suggestion of someone who should be on Hillcrest Connects, please contact the Church Office.

Even with all significant re-budgeting we may have to arrange for a bridge loan to carry us through this season and to make sure we are able to take up the new normal when the "Corona Virus Pandemic" is over. We have informed Ministry Council of that possibility and they affirmed the decisions with certain parameters, including making sure that our members know the possibility.

We thank God for the great legacy that Hillcrest has, made possible over the years by members like you and by faithful adherents who have given of their time, talent, and resources. We always want to be careful stewards of your investment, even more so in these times. Please prayerfully consider what the Lord would be having you do in these days. If you don’t yet have a way of giving beyond our regular Sunday morning assembly, our offices are open for drop-offs, weekdays from 8:00am to 11:00am and from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. You can also go online using the link below. Please call the Church Office if you need any assistance in these matters.

I’d like to plan for an Online Let’s Talk in the next couple of weeks. If you would like to be part of that you’ll need access to either a computer, a tablet, or a smartphone. Please email letstalk@hillcrestchurch.net if you would like to take part. Include your contact information: name, phone number and/or email that you’ll be using for the conference call.

. . .

This is a journey we are all on together. Before I sign off, I want to remind us of the good words from Pastor Steve that we heard at the beginning of this crisis:

1. God is in Control - He isn’t surprised by this situation and he knows how to work it out for our good.

2. Prayer over Panic - This too shall pass, and in the meantime, let’s pray for peace, and for the areas and people that are being hit hardest around the world.

3. Protect those at higher risk - If there are closures in our area, let’s cooperate with public health so that we can protect those among us who are at greater risk of contracting the virus.

4. Look for ways to help your neighbor - This is true all the time, but if there are closures and needs that arise, let’s be known as Jesus followers who stepped in to serve and to help.

5. Let’s demonstrate the Peace and the Love of Jesus.

Thank you for your ongoing support and faithful service at Hillcrest Church.

In His service,


Pastor Glenn

Executive Pastor

Hillcrest Church