Ministering God's Love

Greetings Members of Hillscrest Church,

Thank you so much for your long history of service to the Lord, here in Medicine hat, and all around. I am so grateful to become a part of this community.

This letter is to bring the members up-to-date on several matters. There will be a similar letter going out to the whole community in the next day or so, but there are important details for members in this letter. First I want to talk about our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and then I’ll give you a preview of some of the things that are happening as we re-convene.

Serving the Lord Together

Greetings to the Members of Hillcrest Church,

We wanted to update you on a few things and give you a picture of some ways you can help us minister to the rest of our congregation and our city.

First, we wanted to praise the Lord for his favor and protection on our city and among our congregation. At the same time, we know that we are all experiencing quite a bit of disorientation from the threat of the virus and from the impact of the lock down. Check out Pastor Steve’s recent congregational letter on how the Psalms show us how to navigate disorientation.

Hillcrest Connects


We wanted to give you an update, with more details on our current position at Hillcrest.

There are several things I wanted to give the members more detail on. You should know first that we were being prepared by the Lord for this season in many ways and as we continue with the work, we need your ongoing prayer. We are not overcome with fear, and instead, we are finding our faith being made sure.