For some, the idea of starting a group sounds a bit scary. But it really isn’t. Because the point of getting together is NOT knowing how to do everything perfectly, or having it all figured out, but simply connecting with a handful of other people who are learning and growing in their walk with Christ and with each other.
At Hillcrest, we provide you with the resources you need to get your group started and to grow in ways that are healthy and life-changing.
Community is a video-based study on RightNow Media that is specifically designed for launching new Life Groups, and doing it well. You’ll explore how to build deep relationships with the people in your group and the serve the larger community around you. You’ll learn why your unique story matters… to God and the people around you.
It’s a great way for Life Groups to grow together. The optional conversation guide (for purchase) will walk you through each session with group starters, leader’s notes, discussion questions, and a weekly reading.
Sessions include:
Show Up
Pursue God
Join In
Be Real Part 1
Be Real Part 2
Be Real Part 3
Be the Church
Be Together.
A always, should you need help with any of this, contact Pastor Jamie.
Jamie McDonald
Reach out to Jamie for more info, or to get involved.