This past year has been another wonderful example of how God continues to work in and through Hillcrest Church. Serving on Ministry Council provides an opportunity to read reports and updates that are not seen by others. We are continually blessed when we get to read staff reports about families finding healing and comfort through the work of the staff and the incredible heart all our Hillcrest staff have for the people of the church and our community. And while there are always challenges, it seems that by trusting in God and meeting people where they are, Hillcrest continues to be a place for people to come and find comfort and peace. Ministry Council is also thankful to everyone for their faithful giving to support the staff and ministries we offer. We were blown away by the 2023 Thank Offering, as people joined us in prayer and giving to say Thank You to Jesus for all his blessings throughout the year. As 2024 continues to unfold, we are seeing many new faces at the church, and are encouraged that people are coming to join us for worship and praise each week. Ministry Council is thankful for the opportunity to serve Hillcrest and looks forward to seeing how God will continue to work in us and through us to bring Him glory, honor, and praise.
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