2021 – The new year saw us well into the stride of “bracing for impact” of what new pivot would get thrown at us. Our staff were feeling the effects of growing weary of the seemingly never-ending covid season, as trying to be prepared for unknowns can be incredibly stressful and frustrating. BUT GOD continued to give us His strength needed to carry on to what became a year full of His grace!
Though it was a bumpy beginning, we were so happy to finally re-open many of our ministries to some modified normalcy! We were granted four funded summer-job positions which helped us run a successful Summer Day Camp, as well as had assistance in our Young Adult and Tech Ministries. Having those talented extra hands on-site really helped to refresh many of our staff giving them the assistance they needed to revitalize their ministry.
We were also pleased that we continued to receive available government subsidies still in place for covid-relief.
With our donations received still lower than anticipated for 2021, we were able to keep a close eye on our expenses to cut where we could and stay within the means the Lord had given us.
We said “Farewell” to Krystin Thomas, for her work as an assistant Youth Pastor; Kristen Morris, as our second Children’s Pastor, and Pastor of… well many many things; and Alex Egert who was also assisting Alisha in the Youth department. We love our staff and wish each of them God’s blessings when they pursuit various callings on their lives!
While still assessing our new transition, it was decided by leadership that we would not rehire any of these positions until we have a better idea of where things settle post-covid.
Our Missions Fund is such a special place to sit and praise the Lord for all He does through ministries in our city, province, and the world!
Once again, we were able to fulfil the support we commit to send to our Missions Partners, as well as continue to give to special circumstances through our Community Benevolence and keep up with our very busy Furniture Ministry!
Beyond that, we were able to take a special offering to assist Samaritan’s Purse with their Flood Relief program in BC, as well as support two Local Youth Shelters here in Medicine Hat through our Jesus Project during the month of December.
What an honour it is to use the gifts given at Hillcrest Church towards our Missions Fund to bless others who continue God’s work in their own special way!
However, even within our Missions Fund, we have seen a decrease in giving through these disruptive years, and there have been some areas in our Missions Fund that have been put on hold for now as we prayerfully assess what the future holds for them. It is always our desire to be a generous church, and to also be responsible upholding those we have committed to.
Though there is so much in the Bible written about finances, this verse sat peacefully with me while pondering this past year:
Prov 21: 5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit
as surely as haste leads to poverty.
What an eventful year for Capital projects in 2021 as we completed the Solar Project venture! Thank you all who came to our meetings and asked your important questions as we navigated through the process. I want to say an extra thank you to our Finance Committee for all the hard work and detailed evaluation that they put in over the year.
We are very pleased with the outcome (and look) of the panels, and currently they are producing as projected.
From what started as a small tear and moving to a safety hazard, we were pleased to be able to re-carpet our stage as well as add a new concrete step while the carpet was pulled.
The “spent” capital total also included a small carryover from 2020, as well as the expensed solar panel GST. Our accountants will move these to their correct categories, but I wanted to clarify what was captured in the total expenses.
– Sharon Lieske
*The 2021 Financial Review prepared by our accountants at Dart Bryant LLP Calgary, AB is available for viewing upon request.
Contact Sharon Lieske, Finance Director at the church office to book an appointment. Thank you for your faithful giving!
2021 financial snapshot
2021 snapshot by fund
2022 budget
2022 budget notes
Revenue: Based on new projections from 3-year data
Payroll: 8% Decrease – Staff hiring freeze (not including government funded summer jobs). No rehiring of two key positions that ended in 2021. Many Pastors and Directors have agreed to a temporary pay decrease. Reassessment for 2023.
Programs: Strategic use of funds as programs are reinstated. Some programs on hold until further review.
Operational: Monitoring for ‘new normal’ as building activity use has increased.
Missions: Continued consistent support for Missions Partners. Heavier focus on our Community and Benevolent Fund. Increased giving to Missions will help us meet our goals and further local outreach.
Capital – Approved purchases for outdoor bike racks, as well as a new projector for the Worship Centre. Approved renovation of small bathrooms to become “Family Friendly”.
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