Therefore He is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through Him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf. (Hebrews 7:25, NLT)
Jesus is interceding for all of us in heaven right now.
I don't know that I have ever fully grasped this concept in all its fullness. When Jesus prayed His High Priestly prayer in John 17, that was only the beginning of His role as our intercessor. After He died, was buried, and rose from the grave, Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He intercedes on our behalf. This concept blows my mind.
Jesus’ intercession is an intense reality. It is a work that is absolutely necessary. And, without Jesus’ intercession, somehow, our salvation is at stake.
Let's think about what we can learn from this.
First of all, Jesus intercedes for our salvation. I wonder what Jesus prays for? What is the content of His intercession? What is He asking the Father for? Perhaps His prayers are an extension of His High Priestly prayer in John 17. And, perhaps the content of Jesus' prayers are filled with a similar line of thought as He watches human events unfold. Second, Jesus' intercession for us is necessary. It seems to be an important work or function that Jesus has in heaven. Third, without Jesus' intercession our salvation is at stake.
I wonder about Jesus' appearance to Saul on the road to Damascus. Jesus asked Saul, 'Why are you persecuting me?” He appeared to Saul in order to reveal Himself as Lord. Jesus appearing was more than just about Saul's salvation. It was necessary for the protection of the church that Saul stop killing new Christians. Had Saul continued with his persecution, he may have wiped out Christianity before it had a chance to grow. It was also necessary for Saul to become Paul and to take up his ministry to the Gentiles. These two factors were essential to the protection and growth of the Gospel in the world.
I also think of my friend Mohsen. He was a Muslim doctor in Afghanistan until Jesus appeared to him in a vision and he converted to Christ. Mohsen's life and testimony had a profound effect on his family and friends. Many of them converted to Jesus as well.
Perhaps Jesus' intercession includes events such as these. Maybe Jesus is patiently watching over the church and shepherding it from the heavens. When necessary, he reveals himself so that the salvation of the world can continue on to its completion.
My friend, whatever you are going through right now, you can know that Jesus is still praying for you. He is interceding with the Father on your behalf. He is still watching over and Shepherding your soul. And He is faithful to complete the work that He started in you.
And, Jesus calls us to intercede for others. He invites us to participate along with Him in this work of intercessory prayer. Maybe someone is on your mind and heart today. Take some time to intercede for them. Pray in faith for them today.
What is God saying to me today?
My Prayer List:
Personal Prayer:
Father God, I thank You for this journey we have taken in prayer over the last 21 days. Thank you Jesus for what You have taught us along the way. Lord may this be just the beginning. May we continue on in prayer and learn and grow to love You more as we seek You day after day. And we thank You so much for the promise that You live to intercede for us. Even now, You are praying for Your church, all of us, in heaven. Thank You Jesus! Amen.