Day 11

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Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God. I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. (Mark 11:22–24, NLT)

Jesus' teaching on prayer here reminds of the promise we studied yesterday. However in this promise we see more clearly the essential element to answered prayer. Jesus says, “Have faith in God.” From Jesus’ answer we can reason out what faith is and what it is not.

Faith is not “faith in ourselves.” Rather, faith is the recognition that God alone is God and we do not have, in and of ourselves, the ability to “wish” or “will” something into being. Only God can create something out of the nothing we are praying into. Only God can form an answer out of the void into which we pray. We have no answer. Our ability, considerable as it may be in some cases, does not enable us to bring an answer out of nothing. Faith is not faith in ourselves.

Faith is not “faith in faith.” Faith is not a “power” or a “magic force” that we can summon to do our bidding. Faith is not an entity unto itself. It only exists when attached to something. And it derives whatever power it has from that which it is attached to. Faith is not magic. Faith is only as good as what you are placing your faith in. Faith in yourself will get you as far as you can go on your own. Faith in your family will help you to the capacity that your family is able. Faith in finances will last as long as you are employed. It is limited by your savings, or the economy. Faith in government will depend on the integrity of your government and its ability - through taxes - to cover the costs.

Faith is “Faith in God.” Look to God. Look at Him. He is the Living One! Believing God is looking to God and who He is. It is allowing Him to reveal His presence to us. Giving Him our worship and allowing Him to reveal the full impression of who and what He is as God. Faith in God is trusting in God's promises and by faith, receiving those promises into our own hearts. Faith is also like the ear through which we hear the voice of God. Through the Holy Spirit God speaks to us. Faith learns to trust and yield to the voice of Holy Spirit as He leads us.

Faith in God is surrender. By faith I yield myself to the Living One. His glory and His love fill my life and have mastery over my life. Faith is also fellowship. I give myself up to a faithful Friend who will be with me closer that a brother or a sister. I trust my Friend and His promises to me. I yielded my life to those promises because He is a faithful Friend. For one who knows this Father and Friend, and lives in close communion with Him, it is a simple thing to believe that the promise that He will do what He has promised.

The greatest lesson here is that, while we seek God's gifts, God invites us to seek Him. God wants to give us Himself first and foremost. Prayer is not the power to draw down good gifts from heaven. It is the means by which we are drawn up to God and live and walk in His Presence. Jesus would have us know that we are friends and children of the Father. Andrew Murray says, “A heart full of God has power for the prayer of faith. Faith in God begets faith in the promise, in the promise too of an answer to prayer.”

Let us take time to kneel before our Father God. Let us know Him first and wait on Him to reveal Himself. Take time to let your soul worship Him. Draw closer and closer to Him every day. As you know Him, your faith in Him will only grow and expand, and as your understanding of God expands, you will see mountains move into the sea. Yes, those mountains in your life will move as you draw closer to the Mountain Mover.

What is God saying to me today?


My Prayer List:





Personal Prayer:

Thank you, O Lord my God. Help me to see that faith is not about me. Faith is not some magical force that I can use. Faith is about You. Faith only works when it is placed in the Mountain Mover. And so, as I pray today, I put my trust in You. I choose to have faith in You. Would you draw me close to You? Would You reveal more of Yourself to me? Show me more of Your power. Increase my faith and trust in You. And Lord it is to You that I bring my need today. [Name your need and lay it before God.] I thank You that You can move these mountains in my life today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.