Hillcrest Church Youth Group Code of Conduct Policy 

The purpose of this policy is to establish expectations for behaviour and conduct within our youth group, ensuring a safe, respectful, and enjoyable environment for all participants as we journey towards Jesus together. This policy is designed to reflect Christian values and principles and to foster personal growth, respect for others, and active engagement in the church community. It also provides leaders, students and staff with appropriate actions to address student behaviours. 

General Expectations: 

  1. Respect: 
    - Treat all participants, leaders, visitors, and staff with respect. 
    - Show respect for the property of the church, of leaders, and of fellow youth members. 
    - Be kind. Sometimes people enter this group with heavy hearts and are looking for kindness. You could change someone’s day through your actions. 

  1. Behaviour: 
    - We gather each week to learn and grow in faith. Our words and actions represent Jesus to those around us, and it’s important to create an environment where others feel safe and therefore can learn and grow in their faith.  
    - All youth are expected to demonstrate self-control and appropriate behaviour, both during group activities and outside the group. We hope that our students demonstrate Jesus to the world around them and produce good spiritual fruit. (Galatians 5:22-23). 
    - Language should be respectful, avoiding profanity and gossip. 
    - Any form of bullying, harassment, discrimination or racism will not be tolerated. 
    - Violence, threats, disruptive behaviour, or physical/verbal abuse will not be tolerated. 
    - Physical contact should be appropriate, non-threatening, and consensual. Fighting, pushing, or any physical aggression is prohibited. 
    - Any form of sexual assault will not be tolerated. 
    - Do your best not to be a distraction to others during worship, sermons, or small group time. We don’t want anyone to miss out on what God may be trying to say to them, and that includes you. To help achieve this goal, we ask that students not be on their cell phones at youth, especially during worship, the message, and small group time. 

  1. Safety: 
    - Youth should follow all safety rules during group activities, events, and outings. 
    - Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, vapes, and weapons are never allowed at youth group events. 

  1. Participation: 
    - Youth are expected to be where they’re supposed to be during youth events.  
    - At no time should a youth group member wander off or leave the premises without adult supervision or prior permission. 
    - At no time should a youth group member be unsupervised in the building. Youth are not to wander the halls during the service. 
    - No one is obligated to participate in games or to worship, but we do ask that you stay with the group and not leave the room during those times. Come with a positive attitude and watch what God will do. 

Our Goal:

We believe in providing opportunities for growth and restoration, but we also recognize the need for accountability. (Proverbs 3:11-12) We desire to hold students responsible for their behaviour, but not to condemn them. Consequences will be applied based on the severity and frequency of behaviour. (Matthew 18:15-17



  1. Minor Infractions (e.g. Disruptive talking, not being where you’re supposed to be) 
    - First instance: verbal warning, reminder of expectations 
    - Second instance: private conversation with the youth leader/pastor and parent/guardian notification. 
    - Third instance: parent/guardian notified and temporary time away from youth group. 

  1. Moderate Infractions (e.g. Disrespecting peers/leaders/staff/building)  
    Dependant on the severity of the offence and level of damage. 
    - Conversation with the youth leader/youth pastor to discuss behaviour to coach and encourage personal growth. 
    - Parents may be contacted and the student may be asked to leave youth group for the remainder of the event or may be asked to take time off from youth group. 
    - A formal meeting between the student, parent/guardian and the youth pastor may be held to develop a plan. 

  1. Severe Infractions (e.g. violence, assault or accusations of assault, bullying, illegal behaviour) 
    - Immediate removal from the group activity/event and a phone call to the parent/guardian.  
    - Temporary or permanent suspension from the youth group is dependant on the severity of the behaviour and will be determined by the youth pastor and leadership of Hillcrest Church. 


We want to emphasize restorative practices, meaning that, when possible, we will guide the youth toward understanding and making amends. Restoring relationships and encouraging growth is central to our mission.  

This policy sets clear standards for behaviour and provides a transparent, fair process for addressing misconduct that applies equally to all students who attend the youth group at Hillcrest Church. By focusing on respect, responsibility, and Christian values, it is our prayer that it will help to build a supportive environment for spiritual growth and to help us to create a space where students can thrive.