The Freedom In Christ Course is for every Christian, from those who have been Christians for a long time to those who have only just made that decision, from those who are progressing steadily to those who feel stuck.
It is designed to help you:
break through to a greater level of spiritual maturity
uncover any areas of deception holding you back
resolve personal and spiritual conflicts
learn strategies to renew your mind and break free from negative thinking and unhelpful patterns of behaviour.
The course does not focus on how to behave but on how to believe. After all, Christ has already set us free (Galatians 5:1) and given us everything we need (2 Peter 1:3). It's just that sometimes it doesn't feel like it!
Many sense that they have not reached their full potential for God. Perhaps they feel "stuck" in habitual sin, negative thoughts, fears, unforgiveness or condemnation. Yet they really want to grow and mature. This course will help you grasp the amazing truth of your new identity in Christ, teach you to uncover and resist the enemy's deception, and help you move on. It's not a "quick fix". But it is likely to revolutionize your Christian life.
The Freedom In Christ Course is based on the Biblical teaching of Dr. Neil T. Anderson, best-selling author of Victory Over The Darkness and The Bondage Breaker. It has been used by around 400,000 people and has been translated into over 30 languages. To get the full benefit from the Freedom in Christ Course, you will need the Participant's Guide and The Steps to Freedom in Christ. Please visit the links below for those materials.
Led by Carrie McDonald & Carryn Hickman
13 Monday Nights
Starts Monday January 6th
7-8:30PM in Rm 22