The groups listed below meet in the church facility. This is a great way for those who are currently not part of a group to try something out and to get connected. Many of our groups use RightNow Media resources in their study the Scriptures to facilitate group discussion.

Click here for more info about Rightnow Media.

Click here to receive help starting a new group.

The Freedom In Christ Course is for every Christian, from those who have been Christians for a long time to those who have only just made that decision, from those who are progressing steadily to those who feel stuck.

It is designed to help you:

break through to a greater level of spiritual maturity

uncover any areas of deception holding you back

resolve personal and spiritual conflicts

learn strategies to renew your mind and break free from negative thinking and unhelpful patterns of behaviour.

The course does not focus on how to behave but on how to believe. After all, Christ has already set us free (Galatians 5:1) and given us everything we need (2 Peter 1:3). It's just that sometimes it doesn't feel like it!

Many sense that they have not reached their full potential for God. Perhaps they feel "stuck" in habitual sin, negative thoughts, fears, unforgiveness or condemnation. Yet they really want to grow and mature. This course will help you grasp the amazing truth of your new identity in Christ, teach you to uncover and resist the enemy's deception, and help you move on. It's not a "quick fix". But it is likely to revolutionize your Christian life.

The Freedom In Christ Course is based on the Biblical teaching of Dr. Neil T. Anderson, best-selling author of Victory Over The Darkness and The Bondage Breaker. It has been used by around 400,000 people and has been translated into over 30 languages. To get the full benefit from the Freedom in Christ Course, you will need the Participant's Guide and The Steps to Freedom in Christ. Please visit the links below for those materials.

Led by Carrie McDonald & Carryn Hickman

13 Monday Nights
Starts Monday January 6th
7-8:30PM in Rm 22

We all overcome obstacles—regardless of how big or small. But the Bible introduces a different kind of obstacle that we must be prepared to face—spiritual warfare.

In the Overcomer series, David Jeremiah uses Paul’s description of spiritual armor as an outline for exploring the Christian’s call to be an overcomer. This is not a technical description of Roman armor, but an applicational study of what it means to stand firm and overcome sin, the world, and the devil. In Christ, the believer has everything necessary to live a victorious, overcoming life. When we “put on” Christ, we are putting on all the spiritual armor we need not only to stand, but to overcome!

Facilitator: Diane Hadler

Starts Tuesday January 7th
7-9PM in Rm 104

Love in Chaos
Good News for a Divided Culture
Facilitator: Megan Brace

We don’t have to look far to see division in our world. And in many ways, we are confused, angry, and disillusioned by all the chaos we’re experiencing. How should Christians respond to the chaos? What does it look like to live faithfully in these strange and challenging times? Join bestselling author Bob Goff in this six-session series as he helps us answer these questions. Learn what it looks like to follow Jesus and obey his commands even in a time of chaos.

Be The Hands and Feet of Jesus
Facilitator: Donna Serr

Opportunities each week for this group to serve their community. This will be taking place each Wednesday. Connect with Donna for details.

The Book of Colossians
Facilitator: Kathy Runnalls

An in-depth study of the New Testament book of Colossians.

Not What I Signed Up For
Finding the Strength, Purpose, and Faith to Get through a Season You Didn’t Expect
Facilitators: Glenda Edwards & Marilyn Roset

Life can throw us off-kilter. Maybe you’ve found yourself in a season that you never would have expected. In this six-session study based on the book Not What I Signed Up For, Bible teacher Nicole Unice invites you into the biblical story of Joseph―a man who lived an unexpected life and trusted God through it all. Grow in understanding God’s faithfulness even through your trials, know his love right in the middle of your suffering, and stand firm on his trust even when things remain paralyzingly uncertain.

Groups Start Wednesday January 15th
9:30-11:30 in Hub 1

For any leader working in the marketplace.

Marketplace leaders have a unique opportunity to step into a purpose that is aligned with who God is and how God has made them. Everywhere we look, we can see God using faith-driven leaders to bring order out of chaos, solve problems, seize opportunities, and create dignity and opportunity for those who interact with startups of all sizes.

Our group is currently tapping into the world class resources generously provided by Discussing Christian entrepreneurship and how keeping our faith anchored in Jesus is our first priority. Henry Kaestner, co-founder of Bandwidth (Nasdaq: BAND), Sovereign’s Capital, and Faith Driven Media, guides us through the real-life stories of entrepreneurs living out their faith.

Stepping into the venture God has drawn you to requires faith. Find out what it looks like to take a leap, trust God along the way, and let your faith lead you in the marketplace. 

Led by Solomon Sands & Roxanne Doerksen
Business Owner
Next Meeting: Tuesday January 14th
7-8AM in Hub 1

Their stories are not fairytales, their road was not easy, and their examples are not perfect. They lived in times and places quite different than ours. Yet they hold up a mirror to our souls that can help us better understand our own story. And in doing so, we find freedom to come to God as we are, with total transparency —honest and real.

In this small group journey, taught by six acclaimed Bible teachers— including Lysa TerKeurst — you will meet a group of women in the Bible whose lives teach us about ourselves and about who God is. You and your group will open yourselves to the raw and revealing stories of frailties, struggles, brokenness, and victories of real women from both the Old and New Testaments.

Discover lessons from each of these 12 women that will help you:

Apply biblical lessons to your own modern-day struggles.

Persevere through your failures and accept your successes.

Draw near to God in a world filled with trials.

Find lasting contentment in every situation.

Overcome rejection and insecurity.

Facilitator: Myrna Cooper

Starts Thursday February 13th
1PM in Room 200

Why We Do What We Do

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A Relationship With God

The One who created you
and calls you by name.

John 3:16

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BIble-Based Fellowship

Becoming more like Jesus in my attitude, behaviour and character.

2 Timothy 3:16

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Community That Cares

Stepping out and serving others
with the love of Christ.

1 John 3:16

Jamie McDonald


Pastor of community life

Reach out to Jamie for more info, or to get involved.