Tech Report

Audio-Visual Ministry

The 2022-2023 ministry year has been a busy one again.

The tech team has been training and looking for new people that will be willing to serve Sunday Mornings or at many of our events that happen during the week at Hillcrest. (Join the Audio-Visual team…we have snacks!!)

During the year we were able to upgrade some of our equipment in the Worship Centre, Hub 1 and the Gym. We installed a new projector and a wider screen.  This has helped with the line of sight in the Worship Centre,  making it easier for congregants to see what is being projected.

We were also able to do some sound treatment in the Worship Centre.  By doing this we have eliminated most of the harshness and high frequency noises in the room, giving us more control over the sound and keeping loudness to a more manageable level.

Hub 1 had some sound treatment as well; upgrading the TVs and some of the video gear in the room.

Video Ministry

We have continued to produce communication videos and work toward creating our own productions like our 2022Christmas Day service.

- Alexis Norio - Tech Director

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