Letter to the Congregation

Hello to everyone!

Welcome to our staff AGM reports.

As you click on the different links and read through the reports submitted by our staff team, I want to say thank you for being interested in this aspect of our church governance.

Each year we submit our reports to church members and adherents. We write these reports for a few reasons.

  1. It is great to hear some of the stories about what God has done throughout the year.

  2. It is a great way to see some of the spiritual results coming through the ministry of our staff and volunteers.

  3. It is a form of accountability between us as paid staff and yourself as a church member. Although staff are not accountable to church members in a direct sense throughout the year, once a year, at our AGM, the members get a chance to hear about our work. It is an opportunity for you as members to ask questions and think more deeply about what we are doing in each area of ministry. If you have any questions that arise out of these reports, please don’t hesitate to email our staff. I know that they would be happy to help answer your questions.

I say it often, but Hillcrest is a great church to serve the Lord in. What makes serving here such a great experience is the love and care that all of you show toward your pastors and staff. You are a great congregation! You serve willingly and faithfully along with us, and you are always there to encourage us along the way!

I can’t thank you enough for how kind you are toward us, and for all of the encouragement and prayers. We need you, and we love to serve both the Lord, and you, as we minister together in our city and in our world.

In His Grip,

Pastor Steve Pahl

If you have any comments or questions about this report, please click the button below.

Prayer Team Ministries

The prayer team is a group of people who are committed to praying in the Prayer Room on Sunday mornings. This group of amazing people take shifts in the Prayer Room and pray over the church. We pray for the people who are in the service. We pray for Pastor Steve and others as they preach the Word. We pray for the worship team members and others as they lead us in worship. We pray for any prayer requests that come our way over the course of the morning.

After services, this team is available to pray along with people. We anoint people with oil and pray for the sick. We pray along with people about both big and small needs; whatever burdens people want to share with us.

God has been at work in and through the prayer team. We have seen people healed from long term pain. We have seen God meet needs in many different ways.

I am so grateful for this team of intercessors who pray faithfully for the church. This team also meets once a month to share what we see God doing in the bigger picture of the church. We pray for each other and we pray that God would open heaven and that his Presence would come powerfully into our midst as we worship and praise him! 

Pastor Steve Pahl - on behalf of the Prayer Team.

If you have any comments or questions about this report, please click the button below.

Young Adults Ministries

The year Twenty-Twenty-Three was a good one for Young Adults at Hillcrest.

In the winter and spring we met at Jeff and Janna Hickey’s house for bible study and worship nights (and lots of great desserts, thanks Janna!!)

Through the summer months we did a few more Worship & Testimony nights, usually outside around a campfire, and then also hosted some fun nights! We did mini-golf, games night, and outdoor movie night to name a few. I love seeing young people find good community.

In the Fall we moved our Young Adult Ministry to Monday nights. We met one Monday for city-wide YXH Worship, one Monday for a games night, and two Mondays for Bible Study. Pastor Steve led the Bible study and the Young Adults chose to study a course on Christian doctrine. The YXH nights were awesome times of worship with Young Adults from across the city. The location is different each month which gives young adults a chance to see how things look in other parts of God’s kingdom here in the Hat. The games nights were always fun and different. We even went bowling one night.

Please continue to pray for the young adults of our church. They are the near future leaders. We need to encourage them and make them feel at home and that they have something to offer, because they do! God has amazing things in store for this generation.

If you have any comments or questions about this report, please click the button below.