COVID-19 once again presented the church with many challenges in 2021. Yet the LORD was faithful to guide and direct us as we continued ministering His love to a hurting world, in a variety of ways. Here are some of the highlights from my year of ministry.
Supervision & Coaching
I continued giving leadership to our Weekly Ministries Team, which oversees weekly ministry programs in the church. In 2021 this team included Pastors Alisha, Cindy, Kristen, Krystin and Mike, as well as Alex serving with Youth and Linda serving with Children. For much of the year we continued meetings online, discussing challenges and opportunities, and praying for each other and the ministries we lead. I also walked alongside each leader, offering counsel, support and evaluation as needed.
As we know, the pressures of living and working with COVID placed significant strain on everyone, including our pastors. One way of easing burdens was to build into their lives. Carrie & I did this by hosting an event in February to honour the team and their spouses. In June we wrapped up the school year with a coffee and review, with an eye to summer ministries. In August, I led us on one-day prayer and planning retreat as tougher health measures were looming once more. And in December, I hosted a Christmas event to re-focus our team on the promises of Scripture, and to remind ourselves that God is with us.

For me, building into this team is a very important part of what I do. As our pastors are emotionally and spiritually refreshed, and have the appropriate supports in place, they are able to flourish and do their work effectively, and in turn, are able to refresh others (Proverbs 11:25).
This year also included helping Pastor Cindy with her sabbatical planning, and saying goodbye to Pastors Kristen and Krystin, assisting them and encouraging them as they each made plans to hand off their responsibilities and to finish well.
Connecting Ministries
Below are small snippets from the stories of individuals, families and groups that I had the privilege of connecting with and ministering to over the past year.
Caring for Individuals
Nancy — Visited this young woman in the hospital in March, and led her to the LORD. Please pray as she is not connected to Hillcrest at this time. That she will grow in her walk with Jesus and experience His blessing, direction and provision.
Tom — Ministered in March to this shuttle driver that I had gotten to know. His wife's cancer had returned with a vengeance, so we prayed in the vehicle for her healing. Two months later he approached me at the dealership rather excitedly to inform me that her cancer was in remission, and that it was the first time in a very long while that the two of them had been able to get out of the house and do something together! He was grateful to God for the answered prayer and support.
Hunter — Spoke with this a teenager in March who shared he’d been going through a tough time in his life and in his walk with God. We prayed together and I asked Jesus to take him back in his mind to where that hurt first occurred. Within seconds, this young man was hearing from God for himself and sharing all that Jesus was saying to him! He received much peace and comfort as a result. That same day, he decided all by himself to put a light in the Jesus Wall as visible reminder of what God had done for him!
Michael — In March placed a bulb in the Jesus Wall, sharing how God miraculously saved his girlfriend from dying. And after relaying the story, I completely agreed! She went on to receive much needed support and help. Our God is an awesome God!
Jane — Was fearful of an upcoming procedure. Met with her and her husband in April to anoint her with oil and to pray (James 5:13-15). The Holy Spirit ministered to her and set her free from her long-held anxiety. And her procedure was a success!
Olivia — In May I prayed with her over the phone to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and God poured His love so richly into her life that she just sat there quietly in His presence, for about 10 minutes, having a good long cry and soaking in all that God had for her. At first I hesitated to ask, but eventually did ask if she could feel God's love, to which she responded with a resounding "Yes!" A week later, she called to let me know that she was moving out of the city, but that she was going to be baptized at her new church and was moving forward in her faith. I had the privilege of baptizing her son in-law back in January, so I was encouraged to know they were involved in her ongoing discipleship.
Gladys — In September I was connected with this godly woman who lives on her own, and was dealing with a demonic presence in her home. As she explained her situation, we took time to go through Scripture and to discern what might be happening. I taught her how to take authority in the name of Jesus and to recognize the power of praise and worship in her battle against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:10-18). As she began to exercise her authority in Christ, she began to experience a measure of victory. A few weeks later, I joined with her and a family member in praying over her home, and was encouraged by how much she had grown in her prayer life! It was amazing to watch her take authority in the name of Jesus and to hear how she had grown closer to God in her times of worship. Pray that she experiences complete victory.
Wayne — Was befriended by a member of our church. In November I was asked by this friend to visit him in the hospital, as he was dying of a terminal illness. By God’s grace, I was given permission to come up and visit him. Because of his Evangelical church upbringing, I was able to make a connection and provide him with a Gospel tract and a beautifully illustrated Gideon's magazine containing the Gospel of John. He also allowed me to pray for him and what he was going through. A few weeks later, he passed away. I was thankful that God had used someone from our church to befriend this lonely man and that together we could reconnect Him to the God of his childhood.
Clarence — Called the church in November looking for hope. His girlfriend had recently committed suicide and he was stuck in the city without work, looking for a place to stay while trying to reconnect with a daughter he barely knew. I was able to encourage him, offer practical tips for stabilizing his life in Medicine Hat, and directed him to Community Housing. While he was walking there, I shared the Gospel with him over the phone, and seeds were planted. I also tried to find a few leads for work in the city, but unfortunately, despite several callbacks I was not able to get in touch with him again. Pray that this young. man receives Christ, connects with a healthy church and begins to experience stability and healing.
Billy — In November, the LORD brought this man to the church for help. He was elderly and had recently lost his home, forcing him to live at the Shelter. I drove him down to Community Housing and waited with him, advocating for him during his initial interview. Because of his particular situation, I waited with him over lunch to ensure that he made it back for his follow-up appointment. During that time, I was able to connect him with some other temporary supports and presented him with a Gideon’s magazine containing the Gospel of John, and a tract. We shared some great Gospel conversations, and I trust the LORD to keep watering those seeds and bring this older Jewish man to saving faith. Pray for his salvation and for God’s continued provision and protection.
Caring for THe Sick
2021 included a home intervention in the middle of the night and numerous trips to the hospital to visit the sick and the dying. Such visits proved increasingly difficult in light of health restrictions. Thankfully, Pastors who serve at the hospital have been designated as Religious Community Visitors, allowing us access to most patients. Where a visit seemed to be doubt, God was faithful to get us in the door, ministering His love to those facing significant health challenges or end-of-life situations.
Many times, I sensed the presence of God in the hospital room of a believer who was unresponsive, knowing they would soon be in the presence of Jesus. However, in one particular situation I witnessed the miracle-working power of God, as the patient went from death’s door to making a full and complete recovery! It was a wonderful answer to prayer and a testimony to standing on the promises of God. Yet whatever the outcome, each person receiving medical care is precious to God, and as a Pastor it is my privilege to walk beside them and their families, and to trust the LORD together and to praise Him, even in the valley.
Caring for healthcare workers
This year, I had the honour of connecting with a number of hospital staff in their place of work. Several had chosen to continue worshipping online as a preventative measure, so it was a blessing to be able to see them in person and to encourage them! And to see them ministering to others in their respective roles. Like on one occasion, where it was me, a family member, and the surgeon praying for the patient in the ICU! I was given the opportunity many times to pray for our healthcare workers, right there on the premises, and even provide practical support, like hand delivering a ticket for one of our Christmas Eve Services. Such encounters were small-yet-powerful reminders that God is working through His people in the healthcare system, having placed them there for such a time as this. Please remember to pray for all of our healthcare workers.
PReaching the Good News
This year I was part of the sabbatical preaching team, tasked with delivering messages on Sundays including Valentine’s Day, Easter, Pentecost and Thanksgiving.
Connecting Newcomers
Limited capacities allowed me to continue connecting individuals — mostly young adults — to small groups meeting in the facility. Some of them were new to the area, while at least three were new to Canada. I also had several people in the church approach me during the year for discipleship materials that they could share with their friends.
One newcomer was an international college student from Ethiopia. Having quietly attended services, she took a step of faith in October and reached out. Turns out her only surviving parent was facing some very serious health complications, and now this student would need to set aside her studies in the nursing program in order to help out at home. It was vital that this student find Christian fellowship and support. Thankfully, I was able to connect her with one of our young adult leaders, as well as Pastor Alisha for potential future involvement in the Youth Ministry. By the next day, she was a back at the facility, excited to connect with her young adult small group. And my prayer is that all of God’s people at Hillcrest would discover, like this young student, the incredible benefits of gathering regularly in a small group for the purposes of fellowship, study and prayer. Such groups are vital to healthy, growing believers and churches (Acts 2:42-47).
Finding mentors
Since sharing a message on mentoring in February I was able to connect 4 more people with mentors from our church family. In one instance, a woman in her 30s simply needed a Christian friend to walk beside her for a season, while she was trying to figure life out, as well as her faith. A woman from our church who had walked with Jesus for some time said “Yes” to being that friend, and the two of them met for coffee to see where things would go. And as a result, both were encouraged in the faith! No one who serves as a mentor is meant to be an “expert,” or live a perfect life. No one is and no one can. God is less concerned with your ability, and more interested in your availability! To those who say “Yes” to serve in this way, God enables them by His Holy Spirit to be that friend and to provide the accountability and support that someone else needs in order to grow. Therefore, I am grateful to the 6 individuals from Hillcrest who said “Yes” to serving as mentors, and to the 4 mentors-in-waiting who have made themselves available, if and when the need arises.
I was grateful for the men who stepped up to help mentor a high school student, who originally had been invited to Alpha. He had zero church background, but after my message on mentoring felt he needed to be mentored, so he reached out. However, trying to connect with his mentor proved to be more difficult than anticipated. Pray for Luke, that this young man would come to know Jesus and God’s plan for his life.
I have also begun a mentoring relationship with a high school graduate, who has just completed his DTS with YWAM and is looking to start a Bible study group with his friends here in the facility. I am thankful for our Facilities Team who have worked so hard during the lockdown season to provide options and spaces for groups, and being able to still use the facility for the purposes of mentoring and discipleship.
Moving Pastor Mark & Karen
In December, Bob & Janice Nichols organized a moving team to relocate Pastor Mark & Karen, and their son Jesse, from Chinook Village over to The Wellington. I helped to get the word out and, between Bob’s small group and a few others, a dozen volunteers took part. It took 7 hours to complete the move and to clean up the former living spaces, and I know the Bolender family was blown away by all of the support they received.
Karen informed me that the ground-floor suite that opened up for her and Mark came at just the right time, and that it was the only one available in all of Medicine Hat! We praise God for His provision in their lives, and for opening the door for better and more affordable care for Pastor Mark. We also give thanks to the LORD for Bob & Janice, and the way they have ably and consistently ministered God’s love to the Bolender family.
Connecting With our extended church family
I was grateful to take part in our EMCC General Assembly, held completely online this year on May 30th. It featured the election of our new denominational President, Rev. Dr. John Cressman. John is the second President to have served on the staff of Hillcrest, the first having been Pastor Mark, who was also the first-ever President of the EMCC when the Evangelical and the Missionary churches merged in 1993.
This year, I officiated 6 memorial services, ministering the families of Art Zeller (January), Rachelle Pratt (April), Erna Stern (May), Eliza Yamamoto (June), Mitchell Burton (July) and Mary Hoeppner (September). This kind of ministry includes meeting with grieving families, offering comfort and support, developing a message of comfort to encourage those left behind, and offering salvation to all who will receive. It was an honour and privilege to walk with each family, knowing that Jesus was ministering to them and to those watching online. In this season, many could not attend in person, mainly due to the restrictions.
This year I took 3 couples through pre-marriage counselling and was blessed to perform each of their weddings. The first was held at Hillcrest during the lockdown in May. Nathan Janzen & Raya Jacobs were married in Hub 2 with two witnesses and their parents present, the nine of us celebrating this happy occasion! Then in September, I led the outdoor ceremony for Michaela Glasgo and her fiancé Keelan Frey, at Medalta. The third wedding took place in early December for Jordan DaRosa & Lainey Overn. Please pray for all of our newlyweds and for strong, healthy marriages in the church.
WHispering pines Camp
Carrie & I had the privilege of being the Family Camp speakers at WPC from July 8-11. The theme this year was “Hidden Treasure” and we based all of our talks and activities on 2 Corinthians 4:7. It was a fun and spiritually enriching time for us and for the 11 families who took part.
Guest Services
In the fall, I was asked to take on the role of leading Guest Services, which will now be grouped into 3 ministry areas: Ushers, Coffee and Hospitality. We are all deeply grateful as a church for the core team of ushers who have faithfully served Hillcrest through the better part of 2 years: Doug, Ivan, Brad, Ron, Sandra, Shaya, Michele and Dan. As we move into 2022, we pray that we will be able to reintroduce coffee and to expand our ministry of hospitality throughout the building on Sundays.
The ALPHA Course
1st Quarter
Our first Alpha started in the gym on January 31st with no food and no coffee, but the Holy Spirit and a handful of faithful volunteers. We had 8 leaders, all deeply committed to this ministry. The course was led once again by Nicole Cross, with my role being to set the team up for success and encourage its leaders. And the team did great! We had 16 guests register, but not every one showed up each week. This time around:
The average attendance of guests and hosts per Sunday was 16.
5 of our guests were young adults (18-20s).
3 of our guests were pre-Christians, invited by a friend.
2 of our guests were new Christians that I baptized at the end of 2020.
The Day Away was held Saturday, March 21st with 8 volunteers and 7 guests attending. Due to COVID restrictions, we shortened the event to a half day (9am-1pm). During this event, the group watched four videos:
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What Does the Holy Spirit Do?
How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?
How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?
The retreat included times of discussion, personal prayer and the opportunity to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Russ & Karen Schlamp were on hand to prepare and serve delicious snacks and a lunch within the safety guidelines.
The final session was held Sunday, April 18th. We received 4 completed online feedback surveys, and I’m happy to report that 1 guest gave his life to Christ! Another guest, who identified herself initially as “still searching,” shared how the Course solidified her trust in the LORD.
4th Quarter
Our last Alpha started on September 19th. Nicole was not able to lead this time, so Ron & Linda Prosser agreed to take on this leadership role. Due to health measures introduced by the provincial government a week before starting, we only had 6 register, and of those, 1 couple attended the first week. A third guest was added on Week 2, and by Week 3 we reduced our volunteer team of hosts and helpers from 7 to 2, and relocated from the Gym into Room 22. Eventually, the group settled at 1 guest with 2 leaders.
I am thankful to Ron Prosser and Roy Hjelte who continued leading the Course, and for our kitchen team (Carrie, Janice & Gail) who continued to bless the group with freshly-made cinnamon buns in takeaway containers. Our entire team has demonstrated the principle of offering each guest the best experience possible, regardless of group size.
We had 16 take the plunge in 2021. This included a number of children and youth. During the month of January I baptized Jonathan Cohen in the Worship Centre, witnessed by his wife and several of our church staff. In March, I had the honour of baptizing Sammy Salazar, who is part of our church family as well as “on mission” with his family down at the Hispanic Church. I was thus invited to join with the Hispanic Church for their baptism service and to celebrate a total of 3 baptisms as we worshipped the LORD together.
We received 17 people into membership in 2021. This is definitely a record since I have been at Hillcrest. Most people apply using the online membership form I developed last year, sharing their personal testimony of life before they accepted Christ, when they met Jesus, and how He continues making a difference in their lives today. Each candidate is required to affirm our Membership Covenant and that they have read and fully agree with our Articles of Faith and Practice.
As the Pastor overseeing membership, my role is to review the completed applications and interview each candidate. During our conversation, I get the blessing of being able to hear each person’s testimony of how he or she came to faith in Jesus Christ, and the impact that Jesus has made and continues to make in their lives.
It is so encouraging to see more and more choosing to identify themselves with our local church family! We are better together, and local church membership only serves to strengthen the work to which God has called Hillcrest Church. You can learn more about the value and importance of local church membership by clicking here.
Hillcrest Groups
This year we saw healthy growth among our Bible Study Groups meeting in the facility. The lack of meaningful connection for months on end due to the COVID-19 restrictions created a greater need for in-person Christian community, and Hillcrest was able to help address some of those needs, even with a 15% capacity limit, by being able to offer safe and welcoming environments where groups and individuals could flourish.
In January, we had 11 groups reconvene in the facility:
3 on Mondays led by Miles & Jamie, Carrie, Dave
3 on Tuesdays led by Lorne, Diane
3 on Wednesdays led by Donna, Vera, Lanny & Candice
2 on Thursdays led by Ron, Linda
1 meeting monthly led by Mel & Jamie
In March, we added 2 new young adult groups:
1 on Monday nights led by Jesse
1 on Sunday afternoons led by Dani
In May, tougher restrictions were introduced, so many groups took a break at this point. We did continue leading a men’s study online as a virtual group using RightNow Media, then reconvened in the facility and continuing till the end of June. A total of 5 groups chose to restart in the building following the temporary lockdown.
In September, groups started up with no restrictions, but by mid-month, capacity limits were reintroduced. In total, we had 11 groups continue to gather:
4 on Mondays led by Miles & Jamie, Carrie, Dave, Jesse (on/off site)
1 on Tuesdays led by Diane
3 on Wednesdays led by Glenda & Aoi, Pat & Ruth, Lanny & Candice
2 on Thursdays led by Ron, Linda
1 meeting monthly led by Solomon & Jamie
In November, David & Sheryl Schnare started a new group with 2 other couples, as a result of their commonly-shared interest in dogs! They now meet together on Saturdays, keeping things low key with lots of laughter and prayer. And like many other groups, they found a great study to do together on RightNow Media.
In December, we had 17 attend our Men's Group Christmas Event. We were able to provide some Christmas refreshments within the guidelines, and we watched a video on "The Star of Bethlehem" which led to many faith-building discussions around the tables, ending our season with prayer for each other, our families, our church and community. A number of other groups hosted similar Christmas events.
Highlights for the year include:
Bringing on Miles as co-leader of our Monday men’s group.
Mentoring Jesse as she prepared to re-ignite her young adults group.
Mentoring Dani and providing pre-marriage counselling for him and his fiancé.
Recruiting Pat & Ruth to facilitate a new women’s group, giving them the tools and the confidence to lead together and enjoy what they’re doing. Pat is 80 years young and Ruth recently moved to Medicine Hat. Their group is going well!
Seeing more men engage in small group discussion and prayer each week.
Helping to equip younger leaders like Solomon, Dani and Jesse.
Working with Donna, Glenda & Aoi to re-start the WOW Group and engage moms.
Seeing all of our volunteers in September step up to connect people with Alpha, Bible Study Groups, mentoring opportunities and RightNow Media. We are blessed to have leaders who love connecting and inviting others into what God is doing, and we pray for their continued success in what God has called them to do, and for God to raise up more of His people to expand this ministry.
I also want to take a moment to mention the 14 small groups that are very much a part of our church family, but who were not able to meet in homes during the restrictions. In talking with their leaders, I know many of these groups looked for meaningful ways to keep group members connected. Some were able to through weekly phone calls and texts. Some tried video platforms like Zoom. Not every attempt proved successful, yet each group looked for ways to keep the relationships intact. I would ask you please pray for these groups, that God would continue to direct them and grow them and strengthen them and multiply them in this season.
I am grateful to Miles, Dave, Ron, Solomon, Lanny & Candice, Carrie, Diane, Kathy, Glenda, Aoi, Linda, Pat and Ruth for continuing to host groups in the facility, and for making it easy for those new or newer to Hillcrest to join a group and to find a place where they can belong, build friendships and grow spiritually.
Please pray that even more will say “Yes” starting up a group in 2022! It is not hard to do because, as the Pastor of Community Life, I am committed to supporting and equipping anyone who wants to pull together a handful of friends and get growing! It is the New Testament prescription for a healthy church, so the Holy Spirit is ready help us if we are willing to take that step of faith and begin.
Personal NOtes
I have a lot to be grateful for in 2021. Carrie suffered a bad fall while walking outdoors in January, resulting in a slight concussion. I am thankful for her swift and full recovery!
In April, Julie graduated from Summit Pacific College with her degree in Intercultural Studies. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 we were not able to attend the graduation in person, but we did get to watch it online. We were also unsure if Julie would be able to travel overseas to pursue a ministry internship in September. But the LORD provided, and while it took a lot of effort and much prayer, Julie was able to clear all of the travel hurdles and arrive safely in Singapore, where she remained till the end of November.
As always, I am deeply grateful for your prayers and support! When you remember me in your prayers, please pray that I will be able to focus on those areas of ministry that will result in people being saved and healed, and their lives and families being transformed. That God will be glorified through my ministry to you, and my equipping you to serve in those areas He has gifted and prepared you to serve. So that together, with all of God’s people at Hillcrest, we will reveal the Person of Jesus Christ by our words and actions, as we speak the truth in love and grow to become more like Him (Ephesians 4:11-15).
If you have any comments or questions about this report, please click the button below.