The groups listed below meet in the church facility. This is a great way for those who are currently not part of a group to try something out and to get connected. Many of our groups use RightNow Media resources in their study the Scriptures to facilitate group discussion.

Click here for more info about Rightnow Media.

Click here to receive help starting a new group.

The Grace Course is an 8-session small group study that will help you immerse yourself in God’s grace and connect with it in your heart, not just your head. Includes The Steps To Experiencing God's Grace to help you resolve barriers to grace.

Discover how grace frees you from:

joyless religion

a low-grade fever of guilt

being defined by your past

feeling unable to say no

thinking you’re not enough.

Learn to rest in God. Discover the things He has for you to do. And do them just because you love Him, not out of any sense of “having to” or “trying harder.” Embrace brokenness as an opportunity for growth and fruitfulness. Discover the works He has prepared for you to do and joyfully do them. Make your life count. Be forever changed.

The Grace Course is part of The Grace & Freedom Project, a collaboration between Freedom In Christ Ministries, Bethany House, RightNow Media, and YouVersion. It features a range of top-quality resources to help you experience God's grace and freedomat such a deep level that you are forever changed and equipped to take the love and healing of Jesus to a broken world. See what's available at

Led by Miles Wright & Pastor Jamie

8 Monday Nights
Starts Monday January 6th
7-8:30PM in Hub 1

For any leader working in the marketplace.

Marketplace leaders have a unique opportunity to step into a purpose that is aligned with who God is and how God has made them. Everywhere we look, we can see God using faith-driven leaders to bring order out of chaos, solve problems, seize opportunities, and create dignity and opportunity for those who interact with startups of all sizes.

Our group is currently tapping into the world class resources generously provided by Discussing Christian entrepreneurship and how keeping our faith anchored in Jesus is our first priority. Henry Kaestner, co-founder of Bandwidth (Nasdaq: BAND), Sovereign’s Capital, and Faith Driven Media, guides us through the real-life stories of entrepreneurs living out their faith.

Stepping into the venture God has drawn you to requires faith. Find out what it looks like to take a leap, trust God along the way, and let your faith lead you in the marketplace. 

Led by Solomon Sands, owner and operator of a local business.

Next Meeting: Every 2nd Tuesday till June
7-8AM in Hub 1

Why We Do What We Do

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A Relationship with God

The One who created you
and calls you by name.

John 3:16

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BiblE-based fellowship

Becoming more like Jesus in my attitude, behaviour and character.

2 Timothy 3:16

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Community that cares

Stepping out and serving others
with the love of Christ.

1 John 3:16

Jamie Mcdonald


Pastor of community life

Reach out to Jamie for more info, or to get involved.