What does Hillcrest Church do to ensure that kids and youth in our ministries are safe and secure?

 As a church, we recognize the responsibility we have to provide a safe environment for the kids and youth in our care. Our Keep Safe Training and policies are in place for that reason.

Before serving, Children and Youth Ministry Staff and volunteers go through a six-step screening process: interview, application, a 6-month waiting period, references are checked, Police record check (updated every five years,) and Keep Safe Training (refreshed annually).

We have made the safety of kids part of our culture, ensuring that every group has adequate supervision, drop-off and pick-up of young children is monitored carefully, no unscreened adults have access to kids ministry areas, and a leader is never alone with a child. Our facilities are set up so that kids are safe while in our care, and our policies and procedures are reviewed regularly.

If you have any questions regarding our child protection strategy, please contact Pastor Cindy DaRosa.