Giving Letter

January, 2025

To the Spiritual Family of Hillcrest Church,

I am so grateful for all of you! The Ministry Council, Pastoral Leaders and Staff of Hillcrest are thankful for your faithful giving and regular encouragement over the past year. You have been a blessing to the Lord, your faithful and generous support has allowed us to continue to serve the community of Medicine Hat.

In the past year (2024) God demonstrated that He is a Faithful God.

We have seen God’s Faithfulness in countless ways. Here are some of them…

  • the generous giving of resources and time as people invest in their local church family.

  • people giving their lives to the Lord through both in-person and on-line services.

  • people responding to the Lord’s call to be baptized (We baptized 41 people this year!)

  • we dedicate many new little ones to the Lord and welcomed them into our church family.

  • people attending faithfully and engaging with us online when they can’t be here with us.

  • people praying for the church and a growing new passion for our prayer ministry.

  • 25 small groups, as well as bible studies and prayer groups.

  • a vibrant youth and children’s ministry.

Once again, we witnessed the faithfulness of God as we were able to end the year in a balanced financial position. In addition, we were able to see our savings fully funded at pre-Covid levels. Our savings are vital to helping us navigate any situational changes and it is great to have a buffer in place once again. We are in process of talking with our Legacy Pastor, Mike Deibert, about moving into the Executive Pastor Position. Mike is willing and interested and the church is undergoing an internal affirmation process over the next month or so. We will keep you informed about the results of the process.

One thing I ask that you commit to prayer. We have a growing Children’s Ministry with 30% more children than one year ago. We are in process of creating a second children’s ministry position in order to provide support to this vital ministry. Please be in prayer for this process, and that the Lord would lead us to the right person.

We are grateful for you – our Hillcrest Church family for your faithfulness to the Lord – in your prayers and your financial giving. You have responded to the Lord and been faithful, and we want to thank you for being a part of what God is doing among us.

Thank you all for your faithful prayers,

In His Grip
Pastor Steve on behalf of the Pastors and Ministry Leaders.