2022 – New Beginnings! It feels like 2022 was the launch of a whole new “us” as the covid situation leveled out and we were back with each other talking, laughing, crying, praying, and of course drinking church coffee again. I felt like we were coming alive again and were encouraged to join with each other in healing from the past two years.
GENERAL FUND -- (Primary Fund)
Our revenues and expenses in our General Fund (going forward now called our Primary Fund) were very close in 2022.
The total revenues came in at 96% of what we budgeted for, and we ended up spending 99% of what we budgeted for, which left us with close to a $50,000 deficit in this fund.
Though it came as a surprise that we did not surpass (let alone meet!) the budgeted revenue, God knew our future and had prepared us. Here are a few factors that affected our numbers during the year:
Many Pastors and Directors agreed to a pay decrease for the 2022 year – even after having a couple years of a pay freeze! Their sacrifice helped us meet our payroll goals through a difficult time.
Even with some work changes during the year as we were denied for our Canada Summer Jobs grant, we hit our target for the overall budget in payroll.
A decrease in spending for our electricity bill with installment of the solar panels.
An unexpected gift from another charitable organization
An unexpected amount made on the George Canyon concert due to a sold-out event!
While being so grateful for all the generous donations given, we’re aware that revenues are still below pre-covid times and we are working to adjust our spending accordingly. However, we also know how limited our Pastor’s budgets are and most of the rise in expenses are due to overall rate increases in office supplies, building maintenance, insurance, and food costs.
We’re confident that God is leading us through this all, giving us wisdom and discernment for the choices ahead as we seek Him.
Our Missions Fund has offered steady commitment to our Missions Partners over the years as well has been a source of funding for the local outreaches we do as a church. Our Jesus Project hit our target over the Christmas season, and we were able to bless two local charities in the work they do.
Recently, the giving to our Missions Fund has seen a decrease and we have had to modify our budget accordingly. In 2022 we received 80% of our target budget, but we were still able to reach our commitments with only a small deficit.
We will be reviewing our fund with leadership to see any necessary changes or communication goals needed.
Community Care Fund
As a subcategory of our Missions, and working as our “Benevolence” Fund, our Community Care focuses on our Furniture Ministry, as well as Palliative gift-bags, and small community benevolence as needed.
Our Furniture Ministry is very popular and there is always more need in our city than we can provide… but we feel so honored to be able to assist our community how we can in this very practical way.
With the generous support of our donors, we were able to give more to our community than we hoped for. Your donations showed God’s love to many people who have never stepped foot in a church and were very grateful for the help.
Our Capital planning is on schedule, and the donations to this fund came in slightly higher than we budgeted for which we use as savings to future projects. We make plans to release a portion per year for upgrades and keep a portion to save for other larger items coming up at a later date.
Some years there may be a Capital fundraiser launched to “top-off” what we have already saved for those larger items, but in general we have ongoing plans for the vast list of renovations and replacement that our large church requires.
In 2022 we were able to purchase a new projector for the worship centre, as well as renovate two bathrooms to become ‘family friendly’. You can find out more details on the building projects in our Facilities Director report.
– Sharon Lieske, Finance Director
*The 2022 Financial Review prepared by our accountants at Dart Bryant LLP Calgary, AB is available for viewing upon request.
Contact Sharon Lieske, Finance Director at the church office to book an appointment. Thank you for your faithful giving!
2022 Financial Snapshot:
2022 Financial Snapshot by Fund:
Click on any image to see it in a larger size
2022 Budget
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