Current Capital Project
Steering Through the Fog
2020. For many a church it has felt like driving along an unknown road… except the road has unexpected sharp turns, you’re driving into a thick fog, and a random sign appears out of nowhere saying, “CONSTRUCTION AHEAD. EXPECT A DETOUR.”
At Hillcrest we continue to lift up our ministry to Jesus, asking Him to be our eyes and ears, and praying for Wisdom to guide us through the unknowns. Practically speaking, we have needed to slow down, put on our “fog lights” and prepare for the detours we anticipate… even when don’t know all the details.
The most major detour has been our need to offer online church. This was something we had been thinking about for a while, but the events of 2020 have pushed us quickly into this reality, and the things that had originally held us back from taking this giant step forward have had to be addressed.
Due to our physical location in the city we face significant Internet challenges, as we are still not able to receive fibre optic services. That, along with aging equipment that cannot meet the challenges of today, has required us to focus on getting our online church up and running in a way that is done with excellence and is accessible to everyone.
We see incredible value in offering an online service option. By upgrading our technology and allocating more resources to our technical department, we have been able to:
deliver high-quality, personalized ministry directly into homes of individuals and families,
better communicate the saving truth and love of Jesus Christ, providing a compelling option for families to worship together on Sundays, and for the spiritually curious to explore the Gospel,
enlarge the tent of our church family and ministry to a hurting world, and
invite those with limited access — the aged, the sick, and those from across Canada and around the world who are searching for Christian community and sound teaching — to participate, belong and receive prayer and support through the ministries of Hillcrest Church.
By upgrading our tech capabilities, we have also been able to make our equipment more “volunteer-friendly,” meaning that even more people within our church family can be encouraged and equipped to step into this very important area of ministry and to serve the Lord with joy and confidence.
The Lord has also blessed our church with a highly-qualified and experienced Tech Director who is doing the hard work of exploring our technical options and laying the groundwork to provide the right upgrades as well as the training and support our volunteers need to serve Jesus well in this new season.
Our vision is simple: Following Jesus Together. Which is why we are convinced and feel led of the Holy Spirit to continue our online, live streaming option, both now in 2020 and into the future!
As those of you who are in the tech-field know, technology comes at a price.
During 2020, we are looking for key people who will partner with us in this ministry by committing an extra $500-$1000 more of their planned offering for the year to our Media-Tech Upgrades.
We would ask you to prayerfully consider supporting this visionary effort, to reach more people near and far with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the ministry of your Hillcrest family.