Day 1

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But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. (John 4:23, NLT)

Jesus’ first recorded teaching on prayer comes from John 4:23. Jesus is talking to someone about worship and what it means to worship God.

Jesus says that the Father is looking for worshippers. Our Father God longs to receive our worship and our adoration. Worship is healthy for us because we were created for worship! We were made to worship something. And ultimately, we find the most satisfaction in life when we worship the One who is Highest. The One who is worthy of our praise. And Father God -- the One who created us and loves us -- enjoys our worship because He likes being with us. The Father is looking for worshippers.

Jesus also says that healthy worship of our Father God happens when we worship in spirit and in truth. What does that mean exactly? How do we worship God in spirit and in truth?

Worshipping God in spirit means our worship is not about a place. Jesus told this person that a time was coming when people would not need a place to worship God. Since God is Spirit, He is not bound by space or time and we can worship Him wherever we are. And because of what Jesus has done for us we have complete access to God. We don't need a sacrifice or a priest. Jesus has made a way for us to come directly to our Father God!

Worship in the spirit must come from God himself. God is Spirit. He alone can give us the Spirit. Jesus said that he came to baptize His followers with the Spirit and that the Spirit would come forth when He was glorified (John 1:33, 7:37-8, 16:7). And when Jesus entered the Holy of Holies and His sacrifice was accepted by the Father, we became the children of God, and now our hearts cry, "Abba Father" (Romans 8:16) and we worship God in spirit.

Worshipping God in truth means that our worship of God is sincere. That our hearts fully desire to put God in the first position of our thoughts, our hearts and our daily life.

Worshipping God in truth means that our worship corresponds with the God displayed and expressed in the Bible. That we align our idea of God and our worship of God with the God who is revealed in the Scriptures, and not some random conception of another god created by our imagination.

Worshiping God in truth means that we have an actual living fellowship with God -- a day to day relationship and conversation with God.

But most important of all, worship in truth starts with the recognition that we are carnal, that we are flesh, that we -- in and of ourselves -- are sinners, saved by God's grace. We do not always know how to bring the worship that God seeks. And so, we come to God in humility, on our knees, and bowing our hearts to Him.

What is God saying to me today?


My Prayer List:





Personal Prayer:

Father God, I come to you today and I express my desire to worship You. I admit that I don't always know how to do that. Yet I humbly ask that You receive my worship today. Would You give me more of your Spirit? I want to know and experience You more fully. Fill my heart with your Divine Love. Help me to worship You in truth today. As I live, let my life be a pleasing sacrifice to You. Thank you for all that have done and will do in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.